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Rocky Johnson
CAW by Captain America Jr

Date added: 29th July 2009
Viewed: 26486 times
Rating: 9.0/10 (151 votes)

Template 7
hair 69 (93,-33,-22)
head 14,6,7
fore 33,25,23,23
eye type 1(93,0,-9
eye lash 1
eye brows 8(90,-30,-33)
lips 14(100,0,-5)
skintone 1(89,-3,-14,7)
age 35

face morph:
eb -85,5,-66,-15
e -65,-25,10,10,24,35,-17
n 13,-80,17,0,-20,24,13,-18
ch -28,-87,42,21
m -20,68,0,5,53,44,-19
j 19,-38,-33,40,-30,-7
e 5,7,4,0

hgt 6'2 def 1 bodytype -17
n -7,6,3
ch -6,13,26
sh -22,29,6
abs 8,16,23
waist 6,19
a rm 3,8,14
hand 2,3,2
leg 8,11,20
feet 2,5,3

body hair 1(89,-47,-7,45)
underwear 26(-18,-100,0)
mustache 15(83,0,0,100)
scars 22(cheek shade 40,21,-5,75)
makeup 18(90,-40,3,100)
makeup 25(90,-49,12,100)
scars 19(91,-25,-21,100)
scars 20(90,-3,5,85)
sideburns 17(90,-74,-4,100)
design 148(-24,-100,-28,100) forehead placement
numeral pg 8 "3" third version (-16,-20,-29,35) chest placement
underwear 30 (-62,0,10)
design 103(-18,-100,41,100) each side of tights
alphabet pg 5 "RJ" def white see pic for placement
boots 50(1: -35,-100,55) (2:-24-14,-4)
**each boot "RJ" default color

Entrance Robe
Jacket 50(-16,60,15)
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