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Lex Luger
CAW by Avenger Brothers 2009

Date added: 24th July 2009
Viewed: 39605 times
Rating: 9.1/10 (245 votes)

Lex Luger
template 7 (Hawkeye says we used 7 but I think different so an early apology-you may have to try #12)
Skintone 12(90,3,0,0)
Body definition 8
Eye type 1(13,0,0)
Eye brows 12(85,-14,-44)
Eye lashes 1
Lips 15(100,0,0)
Hair 107(79,-15,7)
-Head morph:
Head 8,9,0
Forehead -35,25,0,-19
-Face Morph:
Brow -100,-66,11,-13
Eyes 20,-41,-53,-40,10,20,-22
Nose -3,-69,0,10,-33,-6,0,35
Cheeks -40,-50,15,30
Mouth 25,-19,6,-31,38,-8,20
Jaw 8,-30,15,14,-10,-50
Ears 10,-10,10,20

Body Morph:
Hgt 6'5
Body type -25
Neck -18,10,12
Chest 9,19,28
Shoulder -25,25,9
Abs -6,15,25
Waist 10,18
Arms 10,15,15
Hands 11,10,9
Legs 10,17,13
Fet 5,8,7

For the face:
In Order for correct lighting and shading
Mark/scar 1(89,-40,5,100)
Makeup 3(88,-18,-12,100)
Makeup 18 (89,-35,-2,100)
Mark/scar 20(89,-10,20,60)
Mark/scar 22(cheek shade option 90,29,14,75)
Mark/scar 19(91,-23,-4,100
Makeup 5 (90,-7,-64,100)
Makeup 13(90,-8,-9,100)
tatoo: alphabet sign "(" (90,-44,-30,30)
**under each eye see pic
Makeup 1 (89,-12,15,100)

His American Made attire is default costume options and altogether the caw in the picture is 32 layers.
Enjoy folks!
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