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John Cena
Thread by daniel84

Date added: 22nd November 2012
purple shirt
shirt: x:169,y:4 shade:65
shirt design 1: x:44,y:0 shade:255
shirt design 2: x:44,y:0 shade:255
shirt design 3: x:44,y:0 shade:255
upper wristbands: x;169,y:4 shade:65
upper wristbands designs: x:44,y:0 shade:255
lower wristbands: x:169,y:4 shade:65
lower wristbands designs: x:44,y:0 shade:255
shorts: x:25,y:137 shade:219
knee pads: x:0,y:255 shade:21
shoes 1: x:0,y:255 shade:21
shoes 2: x:0,y:255 shade:25
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