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Drew McIntyre
Thread by MasterVegeta

Date added: 25th July 2012
Black & Gold:

Trunks: 0,255,30
Trunks Design 1: 0,255,230
Trunks Design 2: 20,130,119
Knee Pads: 0,255,30
Knee Pads Design 1: 0,255,230
Knee Pads Design 2: 20,130,119

White & Blue (Wrestlemania 26)

Trunks: 0,255,230
Trunks Design 1: 0,255,255
Trunks Design 2: 158,58,180
Knee Pads: 0,255,230
Knee Pads Design 1: 0,255,255
Knee Pads Design 2: 158,58,180

Black & Blue (SvR 2011)

Trunks: 0,255,0
Trunks Design 1: 0,255,255
Trunks Design 2: 158,58,180
Knee Pads: 0,255,0
Knee Pads Design 1: 0,255,255
Knee Pads Design 2: 158,58,180
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