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Christian Cage
Thread by BrunoBarros

Date added: 27th April 2012
Green Attire:

Elbow 1: 0,255,20
Elbow 2: 0,255,20
Wristband 1: 0,255,20
Wristband 2: 0,255,20
Tights: 0,255,23
Tights Design 1: 37,57,255
Tights Design 2: 115,72,139
Boots: 0,255,26

Red Attire:

Elbow 1: 0,255,20
Elbow 2: 0,255,20
Wristband 1: 0,255,20
Wristband 2: 0,255,20
Tights: 0,255,23
Tights Design 1: 39,0,255
Tights Design 2: 9,2,134
Boots: 0,255,26

White & Gold Attire:

Elbow 1: 0,255,20
Elbow 2: 0,255,20
Wristband 1: 0,255,20
Wristband 2: 0,255,20
Tights: 0,255,230
Tights Design 1: 0,255,230
Tights Design 2: 30,25,177
Boots: 0,255,26
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