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Shelton Benjamin
CAW by diante616

Date added: 22nd January 2012
Face template 1 skin texture/color 9/12, color 9, shine -14 age 30 hair 2 (32, 180, 255) eyes type 10 blk eyebrows 21/33 (0,255.0) makeup 1 (10,149,115) Shape head (-7,10,15) cranium (0,-25,5,0) eyebrows (-100,-100,-2,0) eyes (-24,-60,35,-100,-63,100,17) nose (100,-35,-100,-100,-75,20,40,-15) cheeks (16,-100,18,15) mouth (22,-20 15,54,-15,-70,-40) jaw (25,-100,35,18,50,100) ears (-32,-100,-100,30) body size 1/11 neck (-60,27,40) chest (-6,-9, 15,36) traps (-1,55,55) shoulders (-54,18,0) abdomen (-23,5,8) waist (10,10) Arms (-20) biceps (-8,-8) forearms (-9 -9)
legs(0) thighs (15,15) calves (15,15) mustache 8/15 (5,172,55) height 6'6 tattoo arm 14/38 (95,68,30,60) trunks underwear 3/19 1st color (0,255,25) 2nd color (32,160,200) designs 111/144 (0,255,0) place on trunks in front and back beneath the black line alphabet font 2 spell word gold 1st color (0,255,0) 2nd color (33,180,200) place in front on black design alphabet font 2 spell standard 1st color (0,255,0) 2nd color (33,180,200) place on back on black design design 99/144 color (0,255,0) place on each side of his trunks design 7/144 (0,255,0) place on back near bottom arm/wrist 12/30 (0,255,15) knee pads 11/15 (0,255,20) boots 9/46 1st color (0,255,31) 2nd color (32,150,200) 3rd color (14,231,221)
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