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Shawn Michaels
CAW by MR.alessio cappai

Date added: 14th January 2012
Head: -10,1,-8
Cranium: 0,-83,3,-4
Eyebrows: -100,23,-23,-79
Eyes: 17,-30,-49,-50,53,12,-34
Nose: 0,-44,-14,-20,-56,-40,-17,22
Cheeks: -65,-100,45,-15
Mouth: -42,-10,-20,-12,-66,-53,-16
Jaw: 37,-34,-13,-13,-19,-38
Ears: 1, 11, 17, 21

Eyetype 1: 114, 197, 130
Eyelashes 1: 11, 110, 35
Eyebrows 1: 16, 147, 100
Lips 12: 10, 124, 203
Hair (Pony Tail) 57, 22, 157, 106- Length: 100
(Current Hair) 60, 24, 113, 98- Lenght: 100
(Thick Hair) 50 , 22, 132, 103- Length: 100
Body Hair 5: 11, 154, 50

Skin: 4, Shine: -3
Age: 16

Height: 6\\\\\\\'0, 227lbs
Body Size: 1

Neck: -39,-8,-3
Chest: -9,-18,-5,-27
Traps: -62,-13,-18
Shoulder: -58,-15,-29
Abd: -22,5,4
Waist: 23,3
Arm: -3
Bicep: -17,-10
Forearms: -7,-17
Hand: -5,0,-6
Legs: 12
Thigh: -4,-3
Calv: 5,29
Feet: -3, 1, 2

Facial Details: (Partial credit to Tyrant185 for the eyebrows)
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1.Design 1: 15, 162, 87 (Repeat for other eyebrow)
2.Design 59: 23, 129, 93 (Repeat for other eyebrow)
Makeup 13: 13, 141, 140
Makeup 10: 14, 149, 159
3.Design 131: 14, 147, 219
4.Design 131: 12, 151, 170
5.Design 131: 13, 145, 210
6.Design 131: 13, 145, 210 (Reapeast last 2 layers on other cheek)
7.Design 131: 13, 145, 194 ( Repeat on other side of nose)
8.Design 131: 14, 146, 200 (Repeat on other eyebrow)
9.Design 105: 14, 141, 109
Combinations 24: 13, 147, 196
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