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Mike Awesome
CAW by MovieMonster

Date added: 24th December 2011
You can download this CAW over PSN!

PSN ID: MovieMonster

Mike Awesome
ECW on YouTube

Template: 1
(Body Typ): 1
Texture/Color – (1/12)/ -35
Age 30
Hair: 51/82 (17, 180, 34)
Eyes: 1/11 (Dark)
Eyebrows: 5/33 (17, 116, 66)

Face/Head Morphing:
Head: 5, 10, -10
Cranium: -20, -35, -35, 0
Eyebrows: -47, -100, -8, 20
Eyes: 4, -5, -12, 10, 15, -3, 5
Nose: 8, 7, 29, -9, -1, 16, -18, -8
Cheek: 40, -40, 70, -10
Mouth: 14, -20, 10, -1, -1, 0, 0
Jaw: -40, 8, -8, 27, 10, 0
Ears: 0

Body Morphing:
Size: 1,83m
Body Typ: 1

Neck: 0, -8, -3
Chest: 8, 8, 15, 5
Traps: -25, 0, 0
Shoulders: -25, 9, 5
Abdomen: -60, 25, 11
Waist: 22, 10
Arms: -7
Biceps: 8, -2
Forearms: -14, 0
Hands: -16, -5, 0
Legs: -3
Thighs: 0, 5
Calves: -4, 0
Feet: 0

Elbows: 1/10 - Black

Arms/Hands: 10/30 - Black

Underwear: 12/19 - Black
put "Awesome" in Red on the backside

Knees: 12/15 - Black

Shoes: 1/46 - Black
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