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CAW by TyNick

Date added: 1st June 2012
Template: 1

Head: (Hair): 22 completely black (shape of head) head 12, 12, 0

Forehead 0,0,0,0

Face: Eyes type 7/9 color -9, 0,0

eyelashes default

eyebrows default

lips default

teeth 8/14

age 37

shape: eyebrows -64,0,29,82

eyes: 100,-49,-66,-56,23,55,77

nose: 5,-36,-77,5,23,100,43,100

cheeks: 7,0,22,70

mouth: 100,-44,-100,-5,5,-1,-69

Jaw: -3,38,72,44,100,80

Ears: 0,0,0,0

Facial Hair: (combinations)9/27 color -100 transparency 11

Face Paint: 9/89 the default one color 100, 97, 3, 100

Body Height: 7'0"

Body Type 13

Body Shape: neck 0,0,0


shoulders 0,0,0

abdomen: 0,0,0

waist 0,0

Arms: 0,-3,-7

hands: 0,0,0

legs: 0,0,0

feet: 0,0,0

size 3,9

Clothing: Head wear mask designs 71,77 color 100,100,4,100

other (entrance attire) 28/36 color 68,-100.-10

Upper body: tops 26/50 (tucked in) color 35,0,-100

armwear: elbows: both arms 2/10 color -12,-100,-100,100

arms&wrists: 1/21 color -12,-100,-100,100,10 (both arms)

2nd arms and wrists: right arm: 1/21 color -13,-100,-77,100,35

Hands: right hand 2/16 color -13,-100,-77,100

Lower Body: trunks and underwear doesnt matter

wrestling tights: 1/17 color -13,-100,-100,100,100

tights design: right leg 116/159 color -100,100,22,100

belts: 4/20 color -100,100,-18,100

boots: 1,37 color -12,-100,-100

layers: makeup: 2/29 color -12,-100,-75,100

more makeup: 19/29 color -12,-100,-100,100

tops logo: 96/149you'l have to guess where it goes color -100,100,51,100 (rotate once)

tops logo: 96/149you'l have to guess where it goes color


tops lettering v just make it fit the other two logos on the tops color -100,100,0,100

logo tops right under the v color -100,100,37,100

tatoo head logo 142/149 color -100,100,21,100

tights logo: 46/149 left leg one the side color -100,100,10,100

face logo 142/149 -100,100,20,100

face logo: 98/149 color -100,100,16,100

Crowd signs: all of kanes

Name Kane,Entrance name kane,abbreviated name kane,ring announcer name the big red monster commentary name the monster hometown the pits of hell fictional weight 326 crowd reaction boo show raw
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