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Janet Devlin
CAW by Mikey Salz

Date added: 28th December 2011
Janet Devlin:

Wii Version:


Hair: 63 (85, 40, 10, 10)
Head: 4, 4, 4.
Forehead: -7, -11, -42, -10.


Eyes: 1 (blue)
Eyelashes: 2 (black)
Eyebrows: 2 (Brown)
Lips: 2 (-100, 0, 0)
Teeth: 1 (white)
Skin: 1 (89, -1, 1)
Age: 17
Makeup: 13 (96, -100, -80, 100)


Face Shape:

Eyebrows: DEFAULT
Eyes: -4, 5, 7, 6, 5 3, -6.
Nose: 0, 5, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0.
Cheek: 15, 10, 13, 6.
Mouth: 0, -30, 0, 6, -40, -29, 10.
Jaw: 0, 10, 10, 5, 6, 5.
Ears: -7, -33, -56, -10.


Height: 169cm
Body Type: 0
Size: 2


Body shape:

Neck: -46, 8, 7.
Chest: 7, 2, 2.
Bust: 0, 0, -58.
Shoulders: 10, 16, 2.
Abdomen: 7, 10, 9.
Waist: 3, 19.
Arms: -9, -3, 0.
Hands: -4, -6, -6.
Legs: -4, -3, 4.
Feet: -3, -2, -2.



Underwear (Upper): 2 (White)
Underwear (Lower): 1 (White)
Wrestling Tights: 1 (-13, -100, -70)
Arm Accessories: 2 (100, -100, 30)
Elbows: 1 (-13, -100, -65)
Boots/Shoes: 1 (Smallest) (-27, -100, -70)
Outfits: 8 (100, 0, 10)



*Broski Of The Week*

*Ruthless Agression Is Back*

*Put Me On Commentary*

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Entrance Details:

Janet Devlin
Janet Devlin
Janet Devlin
Ms. Devon (Closest to Devlin)
Angel (coz she is one!)
None, Ireland (I know shes from northern ireland but thats not on the game)

thanks for using this CAW :)
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