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Chris Jericho
CAW by MiguelResidentFan

Date added: 9th January 2012
Template 1
Skin 12/12
Hair 13/82
Eyes Type 1 Color X 167 Y 142 luminosity 130
Head 0 0 0
Cranium 0 0 0
Eye Brows -100 -100 0 -74
Eyes 0 -12 0 -16 -0 -0 -0
Nose -29 -17 -21 -25 -11 -14 -15 -17
Cheeks -17 -48 -20 -100
Mouth 0 0 -34 -6 -22 -14 0
Jaw 100 0 0 -24 0 0
Ears 0 0 0 0

Face Entrance Superstar 22
Heel Entrance Superstar 40
Music Upload ''Break The Walls Down'' On your xbox 360
Movie Create a video : Movie Star
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