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CAW by d0de2

Date added: 7th November 2012
Search Tags: TNA, Abyss,
Gamertag: d0de316

Includes three attires, full moveset and entrance.

Abyss Face and Figure Formula

Template: 1
Texture and Color: Texture: 1/12, Color; 1st row, 3rd column
Age: 66
Marks and Scars: None
Superstar: 51; x: 4, y: 198, Shade: 44, Length: 100
Type = 1/11, x: 15, y: 43, Shade: 60
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrows: 20/3;, x:15, y: 128, Shade: 111
Teeth: Default
Head: 22, 31, 15
Cranium: -93, -99, -100, 0
Eyebrows: -100, -1, 21, -52
Eyes: -80, -47, -99, -42, 23, 66, -7
Nose: -14, -36, 56, -95, 8, -9, 21, -20
Cheeks: 79, 100, -100, 54
Mouth: -33, -60, -66, 0, -20, -80, -40
Jaw: 100, -10, 23, 6, 26, 100
Ears: 0,0,0,0
Lipstick: 14/17, x: 8, y: 123, Shade: 201
Height: 7 ft. (Yes he is 6’8 but this matches him in game to Kozlov who is also 6’8)
Size: 8/11
Neck: -100, 27, 60
Chest: 35, -2, 8, -36
Traps: -10, 0, 0
Shoulders: -67, 65, -49
Abdomen: 6, 44, 43
Waist: 82, 42
Length: -27
Biceps: 4, 14
Forearms: 4, 11
Hands: 0, 13, 13
Lengths: 20
Thighs: 16, 39
Calves: 8, 43
Feet: 0, 0, 0
Layers (Layers 10-18 go on the face)
Layer 9: Goatee: 14/24; x: 26, y: 147, Shade: 75
Layer 10: Mustache: 1; x: 15, y: 128, Shade: 96
Layer 11: Goatee: 12; x: 15, y: 127, Shade: 113
Layer 12: Goatee: 6; x: 15, y: 128, Shade: 90
Layer 13: Designs: 135; x: 14, y: 124, Shade: 223 (See Pic for Placement)
Layer 14: Designs: 135; x: 14, y: 124, Shade: 223 (See Pic for Placement)
Layer 15: Designs: 100; x: 14, y: 124, Shade: 223 (See Pic for Placement)
Layer 16: Symbols: 5th row, first column “(“; x: 14, y: 124, Shade: 147 (See Pic for Placement)
Layer 17: Symbols: 5th row, first column “(“; x: 14, y: 124, Shade: 147 (See Pic for Placement)
Layer 18: Designs: 1; x: 16, y: 122, Shade: 116 (See Pic for Placement)
Trunks and Underwear: Default
Bottoms: 38/48; x: 0, y: 255, Shade: 25
Boots and Shoes: 1/46; x: 0, y: 255, Shade: 25
Tops: 11/48; 1st selection; Both Colors; x: 0, y: 255, Shade: 20

Layers 13 and 14 are used to cover the overhang of the mustache that is placed before. If you look at the pics that I do have up you can probably spot where they should go when you compare.

Layer 15 is used to put a slight split between the mustache at the top of the mouth. Again compare to the other pics and you should spot it.

Layers 16 and 17create lines around his mouth area. This may be harder to spot in the pics.

Layer 18 goes between the bottom lip and the goatee. It’s real small so it may be hard to spot.
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