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CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 31st August 2012
Hair: 3/71
Eyes: 1/9
Eyebrows: 1/39
Lips: 1/17
Masks: 13/23 color: -100/35/30/100
Makeup: 1/29 color: 100/14/55/55

eyebrows: -100/100/0/50
eyes: 10/-15/-7/-40/-11/35/10
Nose: -20/50/-45/0/0/0/0/0
mouth: 25/-60/0/-17/40/58/-57
jaw: 20/25/5/30/30/0

Height: 195cm
complexion: -25
Chest: 25/20/20
Shoulders: 0/35/10
abdomen: 0/8/6
hands: 10/20/20
Legs: 0/5/5
feet: 0/10/25

Top: 3/50 second style, hidden color: -100/-22/-32/100/100
letter: 2/17 "d" in the middle of the shirt color: 85/78/13/100
letter: 2/17 "d" letter under another color: 85/78/13/100
attire: 2/18 color: -100/-10/-46
add Underwear: 4/9 color: -100/100/-59/100
Hands: 2/16 color: -100/-20/-35/100
Shoes: 1/37 color: -100/50/10

name: dardevil
abbreviated name: dardevil
Presenter: your choice
Origin: Unknown
Weight: 123kg
Audience: good
brand: your choice
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