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Daniel Bryan
CAW by AGunn45

Date added: 14th October 2012
HEAD: Hair;4/71(Color:86,0,-10) SHAPE: Head:29,-15,3 Forehead:29,-100,42,2 Face: Eye Type:1/9 (96,39,-10) Eyelashes:15/15 Eyebrows:13/39 (89,0,-3) Mouth: Lips:1/17(96,0,2) Teeth:DEFAULT Texture/Color:1/12(90,0,-3) Age:30 SHAPE: Eyebrows: -100,-100,-50,-6 Eyes:-20,-10,-19,0,0,-10,0 Nose:-39,28,10,5,0,0,-3,0 Mouth:0,-15,-43,0,43,43,0 Jaw:100,-53,20,23,23,-18 Ears:DEFAULT Facial Hair; Combinations:18/27(90,0,65) Sideburns:14/17(88,-11,42) Height:5'10" Body Type: Neck:-84,18,6 Chest:-5,15,20 Shoulder:-10,0,-4 Abs:0,21,5 Waist:13,13 Arms:55,-3,-1 Hands:9,5,5 Legs:20,25,31 Size:1/9 *HOPE EVERYBODY LOVES THIS YOU CAN PUT YOUR OWN ATTIRE*
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