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Captain Marvel
CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 31st August 2012
Hair: 4/71 color: 86/-15/-100
Eyes: 1/9
Eyebrows: 1/39
Lips: 1/17

eyebrows: -100/0/0/100
eyes: -62/3/40/0/34/25/16
Nose: 8/1/-28/3/-25/28/-4/-1
mouth: 0/-31/-16/0/22/13/-35
jaw: -13/25/10/19/28/5

Height: 198cm
complexion: -33
Neck: -40/22/5
Chest: 29/28/51
Shoulders: -8/39/34
Abdominal -22/22/1
Waist: 31/-1
arms: -82/13/19
hands: 28/28/28
legs: 10/25/19
feet: -6/28/16

Top: 3/50 second style, hidden color: -100/19/3/100/75
Design: 112/149 to the middle of the shirt color: 70/78/47/100
Mesh: 1/17 color: -100/14/10/100/100
Underwear: 4/9 color: -100/9/0/100
arms: 1/21 color: 76/7/44/100/100
Body Accessory: 17/27 color: 74/62/23
Shoes: 4/37 color: 71/9/51
Jackets: 26/26 second style color: -22/-100/66

name: captain marvel
abbreviated name: cap. marvel
Presenter: your choice
Origin: deesconocido
Weight: 125kg
Audience: good
brand: your choice
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