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Brian Diegel
CAW by Michael Nutter

Date added: 13th May 2012
face template 1

head 0,0,0,
forehead 0,-100,-61,-50

hair 4(86,-15,-13)
combinations 7 (-100,-100,-100,26)
combinations 16 (85,-100,-22,100)

eye type 1(80,15,-3)
eyelashes 4(85,0,0)
eyebrows 22(88,0,0)
lips 13 (100,2,-3)
teeth 1 (87,3,0)
skin texture & color 5(90,0,0)
age 30

eyebrows -30,-20,-30,-30
eyes -20,15,-10,50,-20,20,4
nose 16,-90,-30,20,10,20,20,-55
cheeks -100,-84,100,-100
mouth 40,-14,5,-10,20,20,-20
jaw 0,30,5,20,25,60
ears 10,0,0,0

Height 5,9
body type 20
size 6/9

neck -69,10,10
chest -10,35,10
shoulders -40,7,8
abdomen 10,15,25
waist 35,25
arms -5,10,5
hands 5,5,5
legs 0,10,10
feet 5,10,5

underwear 4
socks 1 (-13,-100,-100,100,42)
arm acc. 1
glasses 6 (100,-100,-25)
boots & shoes 15 (-13,-100,-77)
bottoms 31 2nd style (85,-100,-18)
tops 41/50 tucked in,(-13,-100,-70)
wwe logo on the shirt 62,68 (smallest horizontal,smallest vertical)
tattoo logo on the arms 53/149 up on the shoulder smallest horizontal,smallest vertical colore yellow,repeat on the other shoulder
hat 5/37 (-13,-100,-83)

Brian Diegel
the Bruiser
heavy weight
free agent
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