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Date added: 26th July 2010
Viewed: 7931 times
Rating: 8.3/10 (56 votes)

Hanging Overhead Kick
Diving Headbutt 5
Double Underhook Drop
Diving Reverse Elbow

Killswitch 1
Killswitch 2
ECW Frog Splash Pin

WWE - 2009, 2010 (as Christian)

S: Diving Headbutt 5, Hanging Over Head Kick
- Frog Splash Pin 2 (optional)

F: Killswitch 1, Killswitch 2

TNA - 2007, 2008 (as Christian Cage)

S: Cloverleaf, Diving European Uppercut

F: Killswitch 1, Frog Splash Pin 2
- Killswitch 2 (optional)

TNA - 2005, 2006 (as Christian Cage)

S: Cloverleaf, Spear 1

F: Killswitch 1, Frog Splash Pin 2

WWE - 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (as Christian)

S: Spear 1, Spear 4

F: Killswitch 1, Frog Splash Pin 2

WWE - 2000, 2001 (as Christian)

S: Spear 1, Spear 4

F: Killswitch 1, Killswitch 2

WWE - 1998, 1999 (as Christian)

S: Spear 1, Spear 4

F: Killswitch 1, DDT 11
- DDT 1 (optional)
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