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Stephanie McMahon
CAW by BlaqueDRagon

Date added: 12th December 2009
Viewed: 58867 times
Rating: 8.3/10 (452 votes)

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Don't remember which template I used, but you can switch templates without deleting your attire so just play around until you get one that works... :um:

Hair: 45: 96,3,-18,35

Head: 5,15,7
Forehead: -11,-15,-4,-7

Eyes: 1: 100,0,0
Eyelash: 11: 100,-100,-100
Eyebrows: 18: 100,0,0

Lips: 1: 100.17,-7
Skin: 9: 100,6,-3,1 Age: 5


Brows. -90,-73,-45,-36
Eyes. -4,21,-30,-40,10,50,32
Nose. -20,-31,5,16,26,40,-5,-35
Cheeks. -41,0,70,0
Mouth. 17,-13,-49,7,40,44,23
Jaw. 18,-44,-41,49,8,10
Ears. -61,47,-9,-2

Body: 5'8 155 lbs. Size: 3

Body Morphing

Neck. -60,3,6
Chest. 10,5,3
Bust. -2,-14,-8
Shoulders. -28,35,-7
Abdomen. -25,20,18
Waist. 18,8
Arms. -46,-10,16
Hands. -14,18,4
Legs, -21,9,9
Feet. -75,7,12

S.M.H. Attire

9.Underwear. 9. 100.-57,-94
10. Underwear. Default
11. Makeup. 11. 100,0,0,100
12. Makeup. 22. 77,-21,-23,42
13. Makeup. 20. 85,37,35,0
14. Marks & Scars. 13. 100,-1,3,0
15. Logo. 126. (place on chin to emphasize dimple) 8,-30,-7,0
16/17. Logo. 126. (around eyes) 7,-37,0,8
18. Arm Accessory. 3. 100,0,0,100
19. Elbows. 3. 100,-100,-70
20. Kneepads. 14. 100,-64,-55
21. Boots. 2. 100,-100,-42 (smallest ones)
22. Top. 13. 100,-100,70
23/24. Logo. 126. (put at the top of shirt in front and back to shorten shirt neck) 4,-44,28

25. Alphabet. SMH (page 4, added separately) 100,-100,-59
26/27. WWE. 2. (put on top of elbow pads) 100,-100,0,100
28. WWE. 44. (under SMH) 100,0,0,100
29. WWE. 44. (under 28) 90,100,100,100

That's pretty much it...hopefully everything is correct; if not just say what needs changing and I'll get it done.
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