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Optimus Prime
CAW by batistarocks714

Date added: 25th November 2009
Viewed: 33316 times
Rating: 2.7/10 (248 votes)

Sorry for the bad quality pictures.

X means X-axis
T means Y-axis
S means Shade
T means Transparency
L means Length

Templates: Face 1/12

Hair: 3/71

Head: 0, 0, 0
Forehead: -20, 10, 0, -20

Type: 9/9 - Color: X: 0 Y: 100 S: 100
Eyelashes: 15/15
Eyebrows: 24/39 - Color: X: 100 Y: -100 S: 18

*Mouth* - All Default

Marks/Scars: None
Texture/Color: 1/12 - Color: X: 1 Y: -100 S: -7
Age: 0

Eyebrows: -60, 40, 40, 10
Eyes: -15, 100, 100, -30, 0, 0, 49
Nose: 0, -20, 0, 20, -20, 0, 0, 0
Cheeks: -60, -40, -10, 50
Mouth: 30, 0, 0, -10, -30, -50, -5
Jaw: 100, 100, 59, 100, 55, 73
Ears: Default or all 100

Height: 205 CM or 6'7" Feet

*Body Type*
Body Type: 0

Neck: 0, 0, 0
Chest: 14, 27, 39
Shoulders: 0, 63, 0
Abdomen: 0, 22, 22
Waist, arms, hands, legs, feet: Default


13/23 - Color, ETC.: X: -13 Y: -100 S: -32
15/23 - Color, ETC.: X: -36 Y: 100 S: -31 T: 100

Horns: 11/19 - Color, ETC.: -36 Y: 100 S: -18

*Upper Body*
42/50 - Color, ETC.: X: -97 Y: 7 S: 7
5/50 - Style: Tight, Tucked -
Color, ETC.: X: -100 Y: 100 S: 11 T: 100 L: 100

NOTE: You may take off 42/50 to add gloves but then adjust the body shape.

*Lower Body*
Trunks and Underwear: Default
Wrestling Tights: 3/17 - Color, ETC.: White
Boots/Shoes: 1/37 - Color, ETC.: Black
or: 30/37 - Color, ETC.: Default

Ring Attire and Entrance Attire: Same
Crowd Signs: You Choose

|Roster Application Form|
Name: Optimus Prime
Nickname: DEFAULT
Nickname Placement: NONE
Abbreviated Name: Optimus
Announcer Introduction: You Choose
Hometown: PARTS UNKNOWN or You Choose
Crowd Reaction: CHEER
Show: FREE AGENT or whatever you want.
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