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Lil Kim
CAW by Blumisty

Date added: 9th September 2011
Viewed: 9933 times
Rating: 8.5/10 (19 votes)

Diva Template 4
Change skin to 3

Eyes 1/9: X:-17, Y: 39, S:-14
Eyelashes 10/15: Black
Eyebrows 2/35: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -50
Lips 14/17: X: -84, Y: -4, S: 6
Teeth 1/14: X: 100, Y: -100, S: 30
Skin 3/9: X: 100, Y: 7, SH: -7, SP: 5

Y-axis: 100, Thickness: -100, Depth: -100, Angle: 100

Size: 45, Height: 25, Width: -45, Y-axis: -50, X-axis: 50, Depth: 50, Angle: 57

Size: -1, Height:-33, Width: 0, Length: -20, Nostril H.: 15, Nostril W.: -10, Depth: -75, Angle: -10

Size: 0, Y-axis: 0, X-axis: 15, Depth: 25

Height: 30, Thickness: 25, Width: -40, Depth: 65, Upper lip: 25, Lower lip: -30, Angle: 10

Height: -60, Width: -70, Depth: 0, Outline: -30, Upper line: -20, Thickness: -85

Ears Size: -60, Angle 1: 0, Angle 2: 0, Shape: 0

Height: 5’ 3”

Body Type Shape: 1

Neck: H: 30, W: -65, D: -20
Chest: H: -40, W-30, D -15
Bust: H: 25, W: 8, D: 13
Shoulders: H: -30, W: 35, D: -40
Abdomen: H: -35, W: -35, D: 0
Waist: W: 15, D: 15
Arms: L: -35, W: -30, D: -10
Hands: all zero
Legs: L: -70, W: -5, D: 0
Feet: L: -50, W: -40, D: 0

Attire: Hardcore

Arm Accessories 3/14: X: -100, Y: -51, S: -15
Hands 8/17: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -3
Eyeglasses 22/36: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -88
Wrestling Attire 13/18: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -20
Boots 30/35: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -2
Belt 14/26: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -30
Face Tattoo 126/140: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -27 You need to reshape this yourself.
Body Accessories 14/35: X: 100, Y: -100, S: -20

Make up: this goes in order of….
1. 22/22 X: 78, Y -40, SH: -30, TR: 30
2. 20/22 1st choice X: -89, Y: 5, SH: 15, TR: 3
3. 18/22 X: 100, Y: 0, SH: 0, TR: 15
4. 1/22 1st choice X: 100, Y: 0, SH: 0, TR: 100
5. 10.22 X: -16, Y: -15, SH: -85, TR: 35
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