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Doink the Clown
CAW by clowncrazy

Date added: 29th December 2009
Viewed: 24538 times
Rating: 6.4/10 (210 votes)

hair:43 second style (45,98,0,-100)
masks:15 (-100,-100,48,100)
facepaint:53 (-100,-100,48,100)
facepaint:54 (-100,-100,-3,100)
facepaint:18 (-31,54,21,100)
top 1,tight very short sleeve (70,48,14,100)
body accessories 2 (35,22,-41,100)
arms/ wrists 1 (-27,-7,-23,100,100)
arms/wrists 1 (-100,-100,-12,100,38)
wrestling tights 5 (-100,-100,20,100,100)
wrestling tights 5 (-28,-26,-15,100,61)
trunks and underwear 4 (-100,-11,-15,100)
boots and shoes 29 no colour change
tops 12 (-100,-11,-15)

now for the stars (logo 141/149)
place 2 on left and right arm inside and outside of the blue part on his sleeves.
place 2 on the front of each leg on the thighs and on the place 1 on both of each legs at the back behind the knees and thats it for the stars.

neck: 0,10,0
chest: 0,17,0
shoulders: 0,9,0
abdomen: 0,24,17
arms: 0,5,3
legs: 0,5,10
everything else left as default

name: Doink the Clown
nickname: Doink
nickname placement: none
abbreviated name: Doink
announcer introduction: the maniac
hometown: parts unknown
weight class: heavyweight
crowd cheer or boo its your choice
show: legend

entrance: superstar 31
movie and music is your choice
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