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Booker T
CAW by Cyborg2040

Date added: 14th November 2009
Viewed: 44419 times
Rating: 6.5/10 (363 votes)

Hair: (25/76) 100, -100,-100,100

Head Shape: -2, -19, -10

Forehead Shape: -20, 60, 47, 10

Eye Type: (1/9) -16, 12, -32

Eye lashes: (1/15) default color

Eyebrow: (7/35) 100, -100, -100

Lips: (2/17) 100, -1, -70

Skin Texture: (3/12) 100, 2, -40, -16

Age: 30

Face Morphing

Eyebrows: 100, 0, 30, -10

Eyes: 21, 6, -41, 0, -80, 94, 5

Nose: -100, -100, 100, -33, 13, 56, 23, 10

Cheeks: 0, -50, -50, -50

Mouth: -80, 7, 67, 27, -73, 31, -6

Jaw: 100, 10, 30, -23, 50, 0

Ears: 30, -3, 13, -51

Makeup Layers

Layer 10: Letters - Symbols - ( : Place that symbol on the right side of his face to darken his laugh line. 100, -100, -100, 30

Layer 11: Letters - Symbols - ) : Place that symbol on the left side of his face to darken his laugh line. 100, -100, -100, 30

Layer 12: Face paint (37/86) 88, 37, -82, 35

Layer 13: Face Tattoos - Logos (130/140) Streath this to completly cover the area between the face paint and his hair line. 8, -55, -14, 39

Layer 14: Makeup (22/22) 85, -50, -61, 55

Layer 15: Face paint (37/86) 90, 50, -85, 30

Body Morphing

Body Type 2

Neck: 5,10,15

Chest: -7, 10, 20

Shoulders: 5, 20, 8

Abdomen: 5, 9, 14

Waist 10, 12

Arms: 0, 10, 10

Hands: 0, 5, 5

Legs: 15, 0, 5

Feet: 1, 4, 6
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