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Arn Anderson
CAW by American Dream

Date added: 24th December 2009
Viewed: 22532 times
Rating: 7.7/10 (125 votes)

Start with f. template # 12

Hair: (68) c: 88/ 49/ 14
h. morph: 7/ 4/ 3
f. morph: -45/ -9/ 14/ -14

e. type: (1) c: 60/ 12/ 2
Eyebrows: (21) c: 88/ 5/ -93
Lips: (1) c: 100/ -4/ -4
f. skin: (1) c: 100/ 2/ -2 specular: -5
Skin age: 19

Eyebrows: -100/ 0/ -100/ -9
Eyes: -28/ -23/ -60/ -71/ 59/ 54/ -23
Nose: -43/ -100/ 20/ 0/ -77/ -40/ -45/ -14
Cheeks: 20/ -25/ 50/ -14
Mouth: 45/ -99/ -55/ 7/ -4/ -8/ -55
Jaw: 22/ -29/ 12/ 3/ 67/ 34
Ears: 5/ 27/ 7/ -63

Height: 6’ 2” - 2 notches past last 6’ 1” notch (242 lbs.)
Body type/ size: (9)

Neck: -78/ 2/ 2
Chest: 8/ -2/ 5
Shldrs: -42/ -5/ -77
Abs: -17/ 18/ 5
Waist: 21/ 1
Arms: -15/ -6/ -17
Hands: -40/ -1/ -38
Legs: -7/ -3/ 2
Feet: -34/ 0/ -18

Body hair/ torso: (5) c: 99/ 3/ -7 transparency: 90
Body hair/ arms: (1) c: 100/ -2/ 0 transparency: 60
f. paint: (37) c: 93/ 55/ -48 transparency: 0
Makeup: (22) c: 73/ -53/ -3 transparency: 45

Do this in the order it’s typed…

f. hair combos: (16) c: 100/ 11/ 10 transparency: 95
Goatee: (8) c: 99/ 20/ -10
Sideburns: (8) c: -93/ 0/ 2 transparency: 90
Sideburns: (13) c: 100/ 12/ 5
f. hair combos: (3) c: 100/ 11/ 18 transparency: 90
Logos: (93) size it a little bit wide(horizontally), & place the top of heart right below bottom lip, in the center(to make his f. hair look faded right here) - c: 9/ -49/ 48 transparency: 49

Goatee: (8) c: 100/ 11/ 5
Mustache: (12) c: -92/ 2/ 1

Now use logo (126) & (98), logo (126) will go underneath his nose, & (99) goes on the sides of mustache, to make it look thicker, size them to fit on top of the mustache - color for logo(126)& (98): 8/ -50/ 0 transparency: 40
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