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Alicia Fox
CAW by bubbalhunt

Date added: 12th December 2009
Viewed: 41613 times
Rating: 8.0/10 (278 votes)

Name: Alicia Fox
Hometown: Florida
Reaction: Boo
Brand: Raw

Hair: 45(100,-15,-10,30)
Head: 10,5,10
Forehead: 0,30,5,35
Eyes: 1(-10,60,-20)
Eyelash: 3(-100,-100,-35)
Eyebrows: 2(-95,30,-50)
Lips: 1(-98,-2,-25)
Skin: 3(-100,12,-25,10)

Make-Ups -

Eyebrow: -50,100,-85,-90
Eye: 5,-10,-40,-10,-60,50,20
Nose: -60,-60,100,-40,50,-50,-10,-5
Cheek: -5,-30,-20,35
Mouth: 50,70,30,15,-20,-30,10
Jaw: -50,-10,0,-35,-10,-15
Ear: -100,35,-35,0

Height: 5'9

BodyType: Defult

Neck: 12,-10,8
Chest: 10,-15,-15
Bust: 10,15,10
Shoulder: -10,15,-5
Abs: 5,8,8
Waist: 0,5
Arms: 5,-10,-10
Hands: -10,-15,-15
Legs: 10,-10,0
Feet: -55,-15,0

Original Attier(Orange/Gold Top and Blue Pants)-
Defult Underwear Bottom: 1(15,25,20)
Defult Underear Top: 2(96,-10,-40)
Head Other: 29(-100,-100,-75)
Arm Accessories: 5(-100,-100,0,20)
Boots: 1/1(-100,-100,-15)
Bottoms: 20(90-30,-45)
Belt: 8(-90,55,15)

Blue Attier- *For help to place designs, use caw pic as a ref. or a pic from of her in that attier*
Defult Underwear Bottom: 2(-100,-100,-25)
Defult Underear Top: 2(-2,20,-15)
Head Other: 29(-100,-100,-75)
Arm Accessories: 5(-100,-100,0,20)
Boots: 1/1(-100,-100,-15)
Bottoms: 20(95,-10,-50)
Pants Design: Right Only: 49[V=Long](-95,0,40,100)
Pants Design: Left Only: 49[V=Short](-95,0,40,100)

Street Clothes- *May Use Attier Layer Glitch*
Defult Underwear Bottom: 2(-100,-100,-20)
Defult Underear Top: 4/1(-100,-100,-15)
Top: 17/2(-100,-100,-65)
Wrestling Tights: 4(-100,-100,-70,100,100)
Boots: 32(-100,-100,-65)
Belt: 25(-100,-100,-10)
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