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CAW by d0de2

Date added: 31st October 2009
Viewed: 85305 times
Rating: 8.4/10 (546 votes)

Click here for help pics (Zip File)

Also available on Xbox Live,
Keywords: Abyss, TNA, Gamertag: D0de316

Name: Abyss
Nickname: The Monster
Nickname Placement: Prefix
HUD Name: Abyss
Announcer Introduction: The Monster
Hometown:Parts Unknown
Weightclass: SuperHeavyweight
Crowd Reaction:Cheer
Show:Your choice

Hair:20/76 C= 100, -2, -4 L=100 **Put the Hair in at the very end,
While putting this CAW together work with Hair 2 until you are done.**

*Head Morphing:*
Head:23, 23, 18
Forehead:9, -100, 50, 20

Eye Type: 1/9 C= -17, 62, -24
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrows:7/35 C= 100, 1, -9
Lips:1/17 C= 100, -15, 0
Skin: 7/12 C=100, -7, 11
Skin Ageing: 24

*Face Morphing*
Eyebrows: -100, -8, 46, 10
Eyes: 48, -36, -100, -30, 1, 63, -14
Nose: -100, 100, -100, -100, 34, 100, 44, -100
Cheeks: 70, 50, -50, 50
Mouth: -79, -60, -1, 3, -60, 44, -90
Jaw: 100, 42, 93, -50, 100, 100
Ears: 30, 0, -60, -30

Height: 6ft 9in
*Body Type*
Body Shape:10/11
Body Morphing-
Neck: -30, 15, 15
Chest: 15, 85, 40
Shoulders: 0, 25, 15
Abdomen: 10, 35, 70
Waist: 60, 35
Arms: 0, 15, 10
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 10, 10, 25
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Prepare for your CAW by putting together the
Paint Tool Pieces. They are not complicated to make and
should take you no time to make.*See Paint Pics*

9)Underwear 17/19 C=Just choose the default black

10)Bottoms 34/41 C= 100, -63, -22

11)Boots/Shoes 6/44 Choose Default black

12)Masks 21/23 C= Choose Default Black *We are using this mask
because it covers up his lips completly and keeps his mouth closed.

13)Face/Logo 97/140 Make as Big as you can and Place
on the Upper Left Face *See Help Pic 1* C= 8, -59, 40

14)Face/Logo 97/140 Repeat Previous Layer and Place on Right side of Face
C= 8, -59, 40

15)Face/Logo 97/140 Repeat Layer but rotate 90 Degrees and size according
to Help Pic. Make sure the design goes under the chin
but leaves some black from the mask in place (for Chin Strap)
*See Help Pic 2* C= 8, -59, 40

16)Facial Hair/Combinations 13/25 C= -92, 1, 100
You will have to move this layer over all the previous layers

17)Facial Hair/Combinations 3/25 C= -92, 1, 11, -93
You will have to move this layer over all the previous layers

**The Paint Tool Layers**

18)Face/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 1 and size and place
according to Help Pic 3*

19)Face/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 2 and size and place
according to Help Pic 4*

20)Face/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 3 and size and place
according to Help Pic 5*

**The Mouth Bar Layers**

21)Face/Logo 103/140 *See Help Pic 6 for size and placement
C= Default Black

22)Face/Logo 103/140 *See Help Pic 6 for size and placement
C= Default Black

23)Face/Logo 103/140 *See Help Pic 6 for size and placement
C= Default Black

**Finish the Mask**

24)Face/Logo 103/140 *Make as big as possible. Wrap around his head
on the left side. Connect to the side of the mask* C= 19, -3, 16

25)Face/Logo 103/140 *Make as big as possible. Wrap around his head
on the right side. Connect to the side of the mask* C= 19, -3, 16
*See Help 7 for an example*

26)Face/Logo 57/140 *Place over right eye and slightly rotate to an angle
*See Help Pic 8* C=13, -27, 3, 63

27)Face/Logo 97/140 *Rotate 90 degrees and place over left eye
*See Help Pic 8* C=Default Black

28)Face/Logo 99/140 *Rotate 90 degrees make small and place under nose
*See Help Pic 8* C= 8, -59, 40

29)Face/Logo 55/140 *Place over right eye and slightly rotate to an angle
*See Help Pic 9* C= 13, -27, -4, 48

30) Face/Logo 97/140 *Rotate 90 degrees and place over right eye,
size so that some of the black is left as an outline*
*See Help Pic 9* C= 8, -59, 40

31)Face/Makeup 15/22 C= -96, 46, -92, 9

32)Face/Makeup 11/22 C= 100-, 0, 0, 47

*Now that the Mask is finished you can change the hair*

Hair:20/76 C= 100, -2, -4 L=100


33)Upper Body/Tops 17/47 1st Stylized C=Default Black

34)Torso/Logo 103/140 *Place over the top zipper See Help Pic 10* C= 8, -59, 40

35)Upper Body/Tops 18/47 2nd Stylized C= 100, -100, -47

36)Torso/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 4 size and place
according to Help Pic 11*

37)Torso/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 4 size and place
like previous layer and place right next to it.

38)Torso/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 4 size rotate and place
according to Help Pic 12*

39)Torso/Paint Tool Data *Use Paint Tool 4 size rotate and place
on the opposite side of the collar*

40)Arms/Logo/Left Arm 33/140
*Size and Place According to Help Pic 13* C= 100, 0, -40, 71

41)Arms/Logo/Right Arm 46/140
*Size and Place According to Help Pic 14* C= 100, 1, -30, 65

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