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Mickey Rourke

Date added: 17th April 2009
Viewed: 4286 times
Rating: 8.4/10 (24 votes)

Randy The Ram Robinson

Finisher 1:Diving Body Press 2.(Closet thing to the Ram Jam).
Finisher 2:Ram Drop (CAF)
Formula of Ram Drop:
1rst move:Chokeslam clutch 02,(Speed 150%).
2nd move:The Rock Bottom Clutch,(Speed100%).
3rd move:Bedrock Drop Impact,(Speed 100%).
Name:Ram Drop
(He used this move from a ladder through a barbed wire table.)
Diving Headbutt 2
king end(he did off a ladder and it looks alot like wat he did)

Signature 1: Step Up Enzuigri.(He used it at the end of the movie.)
Signature 2:Scoop Slam 4(He used it a lot).
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