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CAW by samjr8200

Date added: 27th November 2010
Viewed: 6928 times
Rating: 2.6/10 (22 votes)

Hair: 6 (black)
Face Morph
Eyes: Width 31, rest is default
Mouth: Width 20, Angle -100, rest is default
Rest is Default

Height: 218 cm
Definition: 8

Layers(In Order)
9. Underwear (default)
10. Face Design: 142/149 Biggest H & V over right eye
(-90, -52, 32, 100)
11. Face Design: 142/149 rotate once 3rd V & H over right eye (-90, 44, -5, 100)
12. Boots/Shoes: 1 (black)
13. Belts: 30 (73, 55, -23)
14. Jackets: 16 (-100, -11, -25) Design 82/149 2nd V & 3rd H (black) between pecks

Name: Zuko
Nickname: Prince
Placement: Prefix
Hud: Zuko
Announcer: The King
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Weight: 118 kg
Crowd: Bad
Show: Raw
Tag Partner: Aang
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