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AJ Styles
CAW by Dreamer Caws Production

Date added: 15th February 2009
Viewed: 24268 times
Rating: 7.7/10 (107 votes)


Head Morphing
Head: 0, 0, 0
Forehead: 0, 0, 0,0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100,-34, 97,-36
Eyes: -8,-20, 18, 5,-13,-66,-13
Nose: -10,-100, 55, 19,-25,-32, 5, 8
Cheeks: -32,-12, 11,-9
Mouth: 100,-9, 3,-25,-48,-20,-7
Jaw: -90,-10,-30, 13,-41, 32
Ears: 12, 21, 26, 22

Height: 178cm

Body Type: 9

Body Morphing
Neck: -27,-1, 11
Chest: -41,-11,-11
Shoulders: -27,-9,-10
Abdomen: -3, 8, 1
Waist: 3,-6
Arms: -21, 0, 0
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: -30, 6,-7
Feet: 0, 0, 0

01- Definition: 1/9
02- Skin Tone: 2/12 (85, 3, 0, 0)
03- Eye Type: 1/9 (-20, 25, 0)
04- Eyebrows: 24/39 (87, 0, 0)
05- Eyelashes: 1/15 (86, 0, 0)
06- Lips: 13/17 (98, 25, 0)
07- Teeth: 1/14
08- Hair: 1/71 (79, 0, 0)
09- Body Hair: 3/6 (86, 0, 0, 30)
10- Body Hair: 1/6 (85, 0, 0, 35)
11- Underwear: 17/23 (-20, 65, -3)
12- Wrestling Tights: 1/18 (-20, 65,-3, 100,100)
13- Knee Pads: 5/16 (-13,-100,-70,100)
14- Elbows: 1/10 (-13,-100,-76,100)
15- Design: 132/149 (-24,-100,-78,100) Left Leg (Vertical up 1 and Horizontal up 1) (Move up 37 clicks and Left 38 clicks and rotate 2 times
16- Design: 132/149 (-24,-100,-78,100) Left Leg (Vertical up 1 and Horizontal up 1) (Move up 37 clicks and Left 38 clicks and rotate 4 times
17- Template: 17/27 (85,-100,-3, 16)
18- Face Paint: 53/89 (88, 24, 0, 0)
19- Template: 17/27 (85, 0, 0, 0)
20- Face Paint: 63/89 (87, 31, 0, 0)
21- Arms/Wrists: 15/21 (-13,-100,-70,100)
22- Boots/Shoes: 30/37 (-24, 0, 0) color 2 (-20, 65, -3)
23- WWE Body Design: 98/102 (-100,-100, 100, 100)
24- WWE Body Design: 98/102 (-100,-100, 100, 100)
25- Body Accessories: 23/27 (-44, 0, 0)
26- Make Up: 28/29 (78, 78,-40, 13)
27- WWE Body Design: 53/102 (100,-100,-86, 100) (Move right 50 clicks and down 7 clicks)
28- WWE Body Design: 53/102 (100,-100,-86, 100) (Move right 50 clicks and up 70 clicks)
29- Tops: 35/50 (-13,-100,-66) Un Tucked One
30- Alphabet: 1/17 F (-25,-100, 27, 100)
31- Alphabet: 1/17 R (-25,-100, 27, 100)
32- Design: 128/149 (99,-100, 11, 100)
33- Alphabet: 1/17 N (-25,-100, 27, 100)
34- Alphabet: 1/17 T (-25,-100, 27, 100)
35- Alphabet: 1/17 L (-25,-100, 27, 100)
36- Alphabet: 1/17 I (-25,-100, 27, 100)
37- Alphabet: 1/17 N (-25,-100, 27, 100)
38- Alphabet: 1/17 E (-25,-100, 27, 100)
39- WWE Design: 99/102 (-57, 100, 7, 100)
40- Design: 132/149 (-24,-100, 0, 100)
41- Design: 132/149 (-24,-100, 0, 100)
42- Numeral: 2/9 row 2 number 1 (-25,-100,-59, 100)
43- Marks/Scars: 19/23 (92, 61, 4, 0)
44- Marks/Scars: 20/23 (65,100, 0, 0)
45- Face Design: 92/149 (73, 100, 0, 0) place over the nose
46- Body Design: 25/149 (-18,-100, 59,100)
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