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CAW by TehFuryMan

Date added: 26th November 2008
Viewed: 22854 times
Rating: 6.1/10 (124 votes)

Note: If I don't mention certain parts on here, it means I didn't mess with them.

Begin with Template Face #3

Hair: 27/71 The one not in the face. (X: 90, Y: 0, Shade: -10, Scale: 100)

Note: I recommend adding this after you finish with his mask so you know where the skin pieces go.

Head Morphing

Head: 30, 30, 25

Forehead: 20, 28, 28, 8

Skin Tone: 3/12 (X: 88, Y: 0, Shade: 0, Spec: 0)

Face Morphing

Eyebrows: -63, 27, -53, 100

Eyes: 60, 20, 20, 0, 0, 100, 0

Nose: 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Cheeks: 20, 10, 12, 0

Jaw: 20, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0

Height: 205cm (I'm not sure if this is 6'8 or not. Standing next to Khali and Rey it looks about so)

Body Type: -50

Body Morphing

Neck: -20, 10, 0

Chest: 20, 40, 30

Shoulders: 0, 40, 20

Abdomen: 30, 50, 65

Waist: 60, 30

Arms: -30, 20, 20

Hands: 0, 20, 30

Legs: 30, 30, 30

Definition: 5/9

Body Hair - Arms: 1/4

Tattoos: Symbol Right Arm 46/149 Longest vertical scale and 2nd largest horizontal (X: -18, Y: -100, Shade: -20, Alpha: 80)

Design Left Arm 1/148 (X: -18, Y: -100, Shade: -20, Alpha: 80)


Tops: 16/50 Untucked (X: -60, -100, Shade: -70)

Logos - Design: 10/149 Rotate once and make it as large as possible. Move it so that the top end is touching the V neck of his shirt.

Logos - Design: 10/149 Rotate three times (So that its exactly opposite of the other. Make it as large as it will go. Again, set it so that the top en d is touching the V neck of his shirt.

Logos - Design: 16/149 Make this as long as it will go Vertically. For Horizontal, make it the largest then scale it two clicks down. Center this so that the circle fills in the opening the other two pieces made as best as you can.

The color for these three is (X: -100, Y: 0, Shade: 10, Alpha: 100)

Bottoms: 27/43 (X: -13, Y: -100, Shade: -55)

Boots/Shoes: 1/37 (X: -25, Y: -100, Shade: -7)

Masks: 15/24 (X: -100, Y: 0, Shade: -40, Alpha: 100)

Masks: 16/24 (X: -100, Y: 0, Shade: -40, Alpha: 100)

Note: The second mask will hide the bolts of the first mask from showing through the skin pieces when you add them.)

Logos - Design: 97/149 Take two of these and rotate them once. Make them as large as possible both vertically and horizontally and connect them at the bottom of his jaw.

Color for them is gonna be (X: 86, Y: -65, Shade: 30, Alpha: 80)

The next 3 layers are optional if you want his beard since none of the facial hairs will layer over the skin pieces on his jaw.

Logos - Design: 9/149 Take three of these. 2nd Largest Horizontal. 2nd Largest Vertical. Rotate them twice. Center the first one on the middle of where you made his chin. The other two go on each side, blending halfway into the first.

Color for them is gonna be: (X: -100, Y: 0, Shade: -5, Alpha: 100)

Moving onto his mask.

Logos - Design: 142/149. Make it as large as it will go both Horizontal and Vertical. Move it over his left eye (your right) so that that the top is right under his brow.

Color (X: -100, Y: -66, Shade: 40, Alpha: 80)

The next five layers go over the right side of his mask.

These will be Logos - Design: 103/149 (X: -100, Y: -75, Shade: 50, Alpha: 90)

For the first three of these, rotate them once and bring them to their largest scale Vertically and Horizontally and move them over his face starting from the top of his mask.

For the last two of these do NOT rotate them. After you line up the first three, there will be a portion of his mask on the side of his face. His hair will cover this but put them here for the sake of when his hair sways around.

Bring them to their largest Vertical and Horizontal scale to cover the rest. Line them up next to the other pieces so that all the red is covered on the upper side of his face.

Now for his eyebrow on the "exposed" side of his face.

Logos - Design: 10/149 Smallest Vertical, 2nd Largest Horizontal. Move it over where his right eyebrow should be.

(X: -100, Y: 0, Shade: 0, Alpha: 100)

Finally, give him Scars/Piercings: 5 Layer it under his shirt but over his arm tattoos.

1: He's Hardcore!

2: Boogey Man

3: Keep 500 Feet Back

4: ECW

Name: Abyss

Nickname: The Monster

Placement: Prefix

HUD Name: Abyss

Announcer Intro: The Monster

Hometown: Parts Unknown

Weight Class:

Crowd Reaction: Its up to you.

Show: Free Agent

And there you go. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me at

Now go Black Hole Slam the hell out of some poor unfortunate jobbers.
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