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123 Kid
CAW by Kim Eisoher

Date added: 21st November 2008
Viewed: 31765 times
Rating: 8.0/10 (235 votes)

Hair 29(x: 87 y: 0 Shade: -25 Scale: 100)

Eyes: 1
Eyebrows: 24
Mouth: Lips: 1
Skin: Skin Tone 1
Skin Ageing: 0
Morphing:Eyebrows (-17,-4,1,-26)
Eyes (-25,6,-14,-6,12,0,-6)
Nose (-15,58,23,-24,5,0,10,7)
Cheeks (-62,-100,0,-5)
Mouth (-23,30,-15,57,0,0,-25)
Jaw (58,8,-3,0,6,-100)
Ears (0,0,0,0)

Height: 6'0
Body Morphing: Neck (0,-67,-61)
Chest (0,-13,-52)
Shoulders (-100,-22,-31)
Abdomen (-49,-70,-24)
Waist (-37,-19)
Arms (8,-35,-34)
Hands (0,-52,-55)
Legs (46,-21,-9)
Feet (0,0,0)
Definition: 7

Clothing Upper Body
Wrestling Outfit: 2 (x:-13 y:-100 Shade:-74)
Elbows(Both):4(x:-13 y:-100 Shade:-65

Clothing Lower Body
Wrestling Trikot: 1 (x:-13 y:-100 Shade:-100 Alpha:70)
Kneepads(Both): 8 (x:-13 y:-100 Shade:-70)
Boots/Shoes: 2 (Longer)(x:-13 y:-100 Shade:-70)

123 Kid Logo
Design 112 Max W, Min H, Alpha 3/117 (x:70 y:100 Shade:20)
Letter/Number: "K" Min W/ 2. H
"i" Min W/ Min H --- (x:70 y:100 Shade:-30)
"d" Min W/ 2. H

Design 142 Max W/Min H 2x red, 2x black
red (x:99 y:55 Shade:19)
black (x:-18 y:-100 Shade:-27)
for position look Picture...

each Leg 2x Design 103 Max W/Max H (black)
1x Design 95 Max W/Max H (red)
for position look Picture...
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