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Randy Savage
CAW by Bostonbruinsfan53

Date added: 22nd January 2008
Viewed: 25150 times
Rating: 8.6/10 (148 votes)

Macho Man Randy Savage Early 90's credit Bostonbruinsfan 53

Greenshirt,Yellow/Pink tights

Start with template 1 and delete everything and when i say template one i mean not just the face when you go to make a caw select the template 1 that already has an attire on with like blond hair and a back top that looks girly

Hair 44/73 78,0,-11,-72

Head Morphing
Head -28,44,-5
Forehead 32,4,-30,-12

Face Morphing

Eyebrows -25,40,44,-17
Eyes -6,-27,-11,-100,-45,11,-19
Nose -29,21,100,16,11,-36,-33,100
Cheeks 30,65,48,37
Mouth 62,-85,11,-34,-33,-25,-100
Jaw -51,34,65,44,100,100
Ears 96,-7,64,54
Skin tone 2/12 88,0,-5,0
Skin Aging 20
Mouth Lips 1/16 100,0,0
Eyes 1/9 -12,6,12
Eyebrows 1/38 86,0,-7

Height 6'3

Body Morphing

Neck -40,31,100
Shoulders 0,34,8
Abdomen 37,46,52
Waist 54,67
Arms -49,37,30
Hands -29,26,24
Legs 11,11,76
Feet -100,0,0

Definition 7/9

Underwear default can't delete them for some reason

Facial Hair template 12/26 86,0,-38,100
Facial Hair template 2/26 85,0,-14,83
Goatee 9/14 86,0,-11,100
Facial Design 103/141 Turn once second smallest in width smallest in height place on the chin to cover up the bottom lip hair 91,-58,29,100
Sideburns 3/17 88,0,-11,100
Sideburns 9/17 85,0,-9,100
Wrestling tights 1/17 Pattern 14/51 78,-14,0,100,100
Boots/shoes 2/33 tallest pair 88,-7,12
Tight design 103/141 left leg largest in height and width place on the front of the leg see pic for placement -85,-35,60,100 all designs on the legs will be this color
Tight design 103/141 left leg largest in height and width place on the very back of the leg so tat it is centered color same as previous pattern
tight design 103/141 right leg largest in height and width place on the front of the leg but so thats it's more on the inside then the outside of the leg. color
tight design 103/141 right leg largest in height and width place on the side of the right leg and color
shirt design 103/141 second largest in height and largest in width move it all the way down to the left side so tha it will connect with the pink pattern on the left leg color
shirt design 103/141 second largest in height and largest in width move it to the right side and all the way down to connect with th right leg design, it should also go over the crotch color
shirt design second largest in height and largest in width move to his back and thn down to connect with his design on the back of his left leg color
shirt design second largest in height and largest in width move to the back right side and have it connect with the design on the side of the right leg color
Hands 6/16 76,-1,22,100
Tops 11/40 the tight looking style and tuck it in 39,-47,0,100

Shirt design 103/141 Second smallest in height largest in width this will be the Orange rectangle see pic for placement 82,-15,60,100
shrit design 92/141 turn once second largest in height largest in width this will be the purple diamond see pics for placement -55,-42,32,100
Shrit design 132/141 sedond smallest in height and width this is the black white design see pic for placement -24,-100,0,100
shrit design WWE 33/47 smallest height second largest in width see pic for placement 88,4,4,100
shirt design WWE 43/47 turn twice smallest height second smallest width see pic for placement -19,-100,-11,100

Layers are now all gone so i hope you enjoy
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