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Katie Lea Burchill
CAW by FlamedLiquid

Date added: 30th July 2008
Viewed: 21392 times
Rating: 8.7/10 (335 votes)

Katie Lea Burchill
Definition: 1
Skin Tone: 3 (88,-4,6,0)
Eye Type: 1 (Pick the centered one)(9,0,13)
Eyebrows: 3 (87,0,-3)
Lips: 14 (-92,2,0)
Teeth: 1
Hair: 1 (88,0,-11,100)
Height: 5'7"
Head Morphing
Head (16,-6,3)
Forehead (All Default)
Face Morphing
Eyebrows (-29,0,0,37)
Eyes (0,0,-1,71,0,0,40)
Nose (0,66,0,-28,0,-1,25,51)
Cheeks (-25,-4,0,-3)
Mouth (22,-27,-36,0,0,0,-19)
Jaw (0,0,0,36,0,0)
Ears (0,0,0,0)
Underwear: Default
Arm/Wrists: 1 (Both Arms)(Pick the blue one)(Color(-13,-23,-100,100,100)
Arm Accessories: 5 (100,0,0,100)
Boots/Shoes: 1 (Color(-22,0,-47)
Tops: 5 (Color(-96,-100,-100)
Make-Up: 13 (96,-100,-57,100)
Bottoms: 1 (Pick the shortest one)(Color(-13,-100,-100)
Make-Up: 1 (Pick the one thats less thick)(87,0,0,65)
The next Design is for Layers 17 and 18
Design: 103 (Left and Right Arms)(Rotate both once. Increase Vertically and Horizantally to the largest size)Place one on her left shoulder above the arm band blending it in and one on her right shoulder blending it in with that one)(-18,0,-100,100)
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