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CAW by meeee

Date added: 8th May 2011
Viewed: 8973 times
Rating: 6.7/10 (6 votes)

templates 10
hair 12 go right 1 black
head morphing
head 0,0,0,
forehead 0,26,-35,0

eye type 9
eyelash 1 black
eyebrows 14/ 86,-100,-100
lips 13/-98,11,-13
teeth 1
skin tone 11/89,0,-7

face morphing
eyebrows 17,47,-67,11
eye -7,-62,3,97,15,-50,-55
nose 0,94,0,-14,0,0,-13,0
mouth 33,-18,-35,23,-36,0,-34
jow -45,-7,-14,-92,-7,21
ears 55,0,-100,44

face hair
goatee 5 black
goatee 12 black
sideburns 7 89,-100,-32,100
piercing 17

height 218 cm
body type -31
body morphing
Neck: -66,28,39
Chest: 67,55,22
Abdomen: 100,14,0
Waist: 22,20
Arms: 52,18,14
Hands: 84,100,100
Legs: 59,-16,32
Feet: 28,18,12
definition 7

tattoo left arm 101 40,-40,-100,52
tattoo right arm 144 40,-40,-30,30
tattoo right arm 99 40,-40,-30,30
hat 18 2ad stylize black (ENTRANCE ONLY)
top 30,black
elbows 1 black
hands 8 black
bottoms 15 black
belt 7
boots 7 black

voice 1
match specialty hell in a cell
fighting style 1 powerhouse
fighting style 2 brawler
crowd signs
1 a mach made in hell
2 hell fire and brimstone
3 dead man
4 innovator of violence

Name Hound
nickname the immortal
nickname placement prefix
HUD name hound
announcer the immortal
hometwn scotland
weight class super heavyweight 182 kg
crowd reaction good
show RAW
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