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Eric Draven
CAW by no1Undertakerfan

Date added: 17th September 2008
Viewed: 9616 times
Rating: 8.6/10 (68 votes)

Name: Eric Draven
Nickname: The Crow
Nickname Placement: Prefix
HUD Name: Eric Draven
Announcer Introduction: Eric
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Weight Class: Heavyweight(240 lbs)
Crowd Rection: Good
Show: Smackdown

Head Morph-

Face Morph-

Body morphing-
(All Default but the neck)

1.Definition: 1/9
2.Skin tone:6/12(x:89, y:1) s:-2
3.Eyetype:1/9(center style) (x:85,y:39) s:-27
4.Eyebrows:24/38 (x:87, y:0), s:-31
5.Eyelashes: 1/15 (default color)
6.Lips: 14/16( color doesnt matter due to being covered by face paint.)
7.Teeth: 1/14
8.Hair:26/73 (dark style)(x:98,y:-78)s:-31, hs:-100(they dont have his hair style in the movie)
10.Face paint: 56/118 (x:100,y:-100) s:18, a:75
11.Face paint: 118/118(black)
12.Face paint: 95/118(x:100,y:-100) s:-70, a:100
13.Upper Body: Armwear:arms/wrists: 20/20 (x:-50,y:-100)s:-100, a:100
14.Lower Body:Footwear: Boots/shoes: 1/33 (black)
15.Upper Body: Tops: 5/40(Tight/Tucked in)(x:-13,y:-100)s:-75,a:100,L:72
16. Lower Body: Bottoms:24/42(default Style)(x:78,y:0) s:-22
17.Body: Tattoo:Design:Torso:98/141: 2nd largest horz./smallest vert.(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100(place on the left side above the chest next to shirt collar. see help pic)
18.Body: Tattoo:Design:Torso:97/141(2nd smallest horz./smallest vert.) place abover pants by pressing up 6 times and move left from center 9 times(see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
19.Body: Tattoo:Design:Torso:99/141(2nd smallest horz./smallest vert.) place abover pants by pressing up 5 times and move left from center 11 times(see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
20.Upper Body:Accessories:17/17 (x:100,y:-100) s:-70, a:100
21.Body: Tattoo:Letters:Torso:Signs:1/7(1st row, 5th Column)2nd smallest horiz./smallest vert.(place on left side of chest on bottom of peck. see help pic.) (x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
22.Body: Tattoo:Letters:Torso:Signs:1/7(1st row, 5th Column)2nd smallest horiz./smallest vert.(place below center of the chest. see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
23.Body:Tattoo:Letters:Torso:Signs:1/7(1st row, 5th Column)largest horiz./2nd largest vert.(Place diagonally to the right lower than layer 22. see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
24.Body:Tattoo:Letters:Torso:Signs:1/7(1st row, 5th Column)2nd largest horiz./2nd smallest ver.(Place diagonally to the right lower than layer 23. see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
25.Body:Tattoo:Letters:Torso:Signs:1/7(1st row, 5th Column)largest horiz./ 2nd smallest vert.(place diagonally to the right of the collar near shoulder.see help pic)(x:90,y:-56)s:54, a:100
26.Upper Body: Jacket: 15/21(open style):(x:88,y:-100)s:-100(cutscene and entrance only) (optional)

Match Specialty- Hell in a cell
Fighting Style 1- Technical
Fighting Style 2- Brawler
Crowd Signs:
1. You Dont Scare me
2. Put em in a body bag
3.Legend Cleaner
4.Thank you for wrestling
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