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Eddie Guerrero
CAW by Bhangra Man

Date added: 28th April 2008
Viewed: 37032 times
Rating: 8.7/10 (473 votes)

ATTIRE 1: Baby blue, gold attire

Face help pics: First help pic
Attire help pics: Second help pic

Start with Template 3

Head: -2,-7,22
Forehead: 0, 35, 23,-12

Eyebrows: -19,-29,-28,-57
Eyes: -10, -12, 30, -12, -65, 93, -81
Nose: 40, -5, 70, -20, 46, 8, -12, 57
Cheek: 23, 51, 55, 76
Mouth: -24, -15, -30, 30, 0,33, -66
Jaw: 68, 14, 14,20,98, 94
Ears: 100, -100, 9,69

Face>Skin>Skin Aging: 23

Body Type: 33
Neck: -9,0,0
Chest: -5,4,0
Shoulder: 6,-7,-5
Abdomen: -25,7,0
Waist: 0,0
Arms: -62,-11,-62
Hands: -17,0,-7
Legs: -22, -54, -7
Feet: 0,0,0

Height 5'9" High end

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

1. Definition 5
2. Skin Tone (Face Skin) 5: 87, 0, 3, 19
3. Eye Type 1: 87,-7,-7
4. Eyebrows 24: 87, 0, 3
5. Eyelashes 15
6. Lips 14: 98, 4, 0
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 13: 86, -1, -23
9. Underwear:1
10.facial hair template : 12: 86,0,-7,65
11. make up: 13: 92,-18,0,100
12. face paint: 46: 86,-29,,4,16
13.facial features: 2: 89,-33,3,57
14. symbol: face: 97, rotate 1*,smallest V,second smallest H,place in between eyebrows see help pics
15.symbol: face:103,second smallest H,second largest V,place on nose from nostril to eyebrows area see help pic,87, -54,39,43
16.symbol: face: 138,second largest H,largest V, place as same area as last one see help pic,88,-60,42,49
17.sign: 4/7, last row,rotate 1*, 3rd coloumn,biggest H,smallest V, place on forehead for one wrinkle see help pic, 88,-29,-16,47
18.same as above, but place a little to the right see help pic, 86,-25,0,44
19.same as above but below both of them see help pic,(88,-25,-9,31)
20.symbol: 103, rotate 1*,biggest H and V place on botton of chin, 88,-55,32,69
21. facial hair template: 10, (84,0, -2, 90)
22. symbol: 120, rotate 2*,smallest H, second smallest V,place on chin this is the vertical design for the facial hair from chin to mouth, -90,34,-12,24
23. alphabet: 2/18, 1st row, 3rd colomn,biggest H,second smallest V ,rotate 3*,place on top previous layer near mouth see help pic, (89, -45, 0, 43)
24. symbol 99, rotate 1*,second smallest H and V, place below mouth see help pic, 88, -52, 40, 89
25. symbol 98,smallest H,second smallest V, place as diagonal line from nose to facial hair this is on the left hand your left if you are right handed see help pic, (88, -68, 59,39)
26. same as above but below it and to the right of it, (88, -51, 40, 69)
27. same as layer 25 but on other side see help pic and rotate 1*, (88, -59, 46, 68)
28. same as layer 26 but on other side and to the left of it see help pic,(89,-51,31,68)
29. Moustache: 5,88,0,26,37
30. symbol 92, rotate 1*,second smallest V,biggest H, place on center of forehead for hairline see help pic, 87,-10,-11,100
31. symbol 97,smallest V,biggest H,place near nose tip, see help pic,86,-56,38,16
32. wrestling tights :1, (-13,-100,-75,100,100)
33. tatoo legs: 55, (-5,-18,56,100)
34. tatoo legs: 78, (-5,-22,48,94)
35. tatoo legs: 77, (-18,-96, -36,100)
36. socks: 1, (-13,-100,-92,58)
37. armwear: hands : 6, (-13,-100, 0,100)
38. legs: symbol 6,right leg, rotate 2*,second smallest H,second biggest V, place as help pic (first big gold symbol),(76, -50,47,100)
39. same as above but on other leg,rotate 1*,place as help pic, 76,-50,47,100
40. boots: 28, 1st color: 80,19,-10, 2nd color: 92,19,-10
41. symbol: 124 (lady symbol), right leg,smallest H,second smallest V, place as help pic, 74,-50,-37,100
42. symbol: 6, right leg, rotate 2*,second smallest H,smallest V,place as help pic, (76, -50,47,100)
43. symbol: 92, right leg, second smallest V, smallest H,place as help pic (traingle gold symbol),(76,-50,47,100)
44. symbol: 52, right leg, the flower design blue,smallest H,Second smallest V, place as help pic,(-5,-39,23,100)
45. same as previous layer but on left leg, rotate 1*,place as help pic, (-5,-18,37,100)
46. tatoo legs: both, 128,-5,-24,42,100
47. design: 138,rotate 2*,torso,your left, second smallest H and V, place on your left on caw on hips see help pics, (76, -50,47,100)
48. alphabet face: first page I,biggest H, second biggest V? place on upperlip to split moustache see help, (86,-49,-9,75)
49. same as layer 43 but on left leg see help pic (76,-50,47,100)
50. same as layer 42 but on left left and rotate 3*, instead place as help pic, (76,-50,47,100)
51. same as layer 41 but rotate 1*,place as help pic,(74,-50,-28,100)
52. same as layer 47 but on your right place as help pic, (78,-50,47,100)
53. latino writing
torso back
alphabet: 1/18, 'L'second biggest H,second smallest V, place as in help pic, (-5,7,0,100)
54. alphabet 1/18, A, second smallest H and V, place as help pic,(-5,7,0,100)
55. alphabet 1/18, T,second biggest H,smallest V, place as help pic, (-5,6,0,100)
56. alphatet 2/18, 'i',second smallest V, second biggest H, place as help pic,(-5,5,0,100)
57. alphabet 2/18, 'n',second smallest H and V, place as help pic,(-5,6,0,100)
58. numerical 8/9, 4th row, 3rd coloumn, second biggest H,second smallest V, place as help pic, (-5,5,0,100)
59. signs 1/7, last row, 5th coloumn,rotate 1*,biggest H,second smallest V, place as help pic, (-5,5,0,100)
60.FACE: alphabet 1/18, I,rotate 1*, second biggest H,second smallest V,(-6,5,-1,100) place as help pic
61. same as layer 52 but to the right placement see help pic, (-5,6,45,100)
62. same as layer 47 but to the left of it, see help pic, (-3,6,38,100)

Now credit to Kung Fu for arm tatoo

Remember to move these above layer 37 see help pic for placement
63 Logos> WWE> Arms> Left Arm> WWE 33: rotate once, smallest H, 2nd largest V, 90, -20, -40, 30
64. Logos> WWE> Arms> Left Arm> WWE 10: rotate twice, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, -13, -100, -100, 40


ATTIRE 2: Red flame, gold cross attire

Third help pic

NOTE: First Attire 2
first 31 layers the same as before but hair 6: (85,-24,-7) and use this face help banner for face:

from first help pic


32.alphabet face: first page I,biggest H, second biggest V? place on upperlip to split moustache (86,-49,-9,75)
33,34,= tatoo same as layer 63,64 from second help pic

35.wrestling tights 1: -13,-100,-75,100,100
these layers are same as 53 to 60 from second help pic

latino writing:
torso back
alphabet: 1/18, 'L'second biggest H,second smallest V, place as in help pic, 76, -8,-8,100
37. alphabet 1/18, A, second smallest H and V, place as help pic,(76, -8,-8,100)
38. alphabet 1/18, T,second biggest H,smallest V, place as help pic, (76, -8,-8,100)
39. alphatet 2/18, 'i',second smallest V, second biggest H, place as help pic,(76, -8,-8,100)
40. alphabet 2/18, 'n',second smallest H and V, place as help pic,(76, -8,-8,100)
41. numerical 8/9, 4th row, 3rd coloumn, second biggest H,second smallest V, place as help pic, (76, -8,-8,100)
42. signs 1/7, last row, 5th coloumn,rotate 1*,biggest H,second smallest V, place as help pic, (76, -8,-8,100)
43.armwear: hands : 6, (-13,-100, 0,100)
44.Tatoo legs: Both: 1, (97,4,24,100)
45. Tatoo legs: Both: 75, (-18,-100,-42,100)

USE THIRD HELP PIC FOR ATTIRE NOW legs: 97, right leg, largest H, second largest V,oval on leg see help pic for placement, (97,7,26,100)
47. Same as above but for other leg
48. Tatoo legs: Both: 120, (-96,0,25,100)
49. Design: WWE: Logo: 37,right leg: bottom of sword/cross,rotate 3*,smallest H,second smallest V, see help pic for placement, (74,19,-20,100)
50. Same as above but for other leg 28, 1st color: 80,19,-10, 2nd color: 92,19,-50
52. Time for cross: Torso: Alphabet: 15/18, 'I',rotate 1*,biggest H and V see help pic for placement this goes on upper right leg (center line this is of cross), (74,-29,15,100)
53. Torso: Alphabet: 15/18, 'I', biggest H and V, top of cross, see help pic for placement but have it on upper right leg, (74,-31,18,100)
54.same as 52 but for other leg see help pic
55. sameas 53 but for other leg, see help pic
56. Torso: Aplhabet: 1/18, Torso, 'U',Second smallest H,second biggest V, see help pic for placement its part of flame, (97, 12, -11,100)
57. Same as above but for other side see help pic
58. Torso: Aplhabet 14/18: 'x', place on middle of cross, see help pic,biggest H, second smallest V,turn white
59. Torso: Alphabet 14/18: z, place above X see help pic,second smallest H,smallest V, turn white
60. Right leg: Alphabet 14/18: place below X, see help pic,second smallest H, smallest V, turn white

61 to 63
*repeat 58 to 60 but for other side
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