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Adam Pacman Jones
CAW by GGS10

Date added: 20th November 2007
Viewed: 30547 times
Rating: 7.1/10 (219 votes)

Template face type 7 (delete all layers)

if layer not on list use as default

Face Morphing:
Y-Axis -20
Angle -20

Height -40

Width 10
Length -30

Size 37
Y-Axis -94
X-Axis 17
Depth 39

Height 23
Thickness 23
Width 31

Height 55
Width 28
Upper Line 11
Thickness 94

Skin tone 12 X:88 Y:3 Shade: -39

Lips 12 X:89 Y:1 Shade:-36

Eyes Default just make them a bit darker

Facial Hair
Goatee 14 X:88 Y:0 Shade:-100 Alpha 100
Mustache 11 X:-97 Y:0 Shade:-100 Alpha:50

Height 5'10
Body Type 0
Body Morphing
Neck: Height -20
Shoulder: Width -20 Depth -10
Abdomen: Width 10
Definition 5/9

Underwear: 28 X -100 Y 0 Shade -25
Bottoms:40 1st and 2nd Color Black
Bottoms Logo: Lettering page 1, spell PACMAN and place on left leg, Custom Yellow. (use pic for help)

Boots/Shoes: 17

Tattoo: design 120/141 (place on chest do what size you think is best) x:100 y:0 shade: -75 alpha:5
design 135/141 (place over other design it seems to give the tattoo more detail) x:100 y: -100 shade: -70 alpha:8

tattoo arm
both arms: 61/147 x: -18 y:0 shade -100 alpha:5

Enterance & cut scene only
tops 36/40 x: -13 y: -100 shade: -80
logo: lettering page 1, Spell PAC MAN on chest custom yellow
Logo: design, 132/141 make the size that you feel is best and place bellow 'PAC MAN' x: -30 y: -20 shade:0 alpha:30
logo: design, 97/141 make the size that you feel is best, place ontop of last deign x:67 y:20 shade:65
logo: lettering, sign 1/7 top row 5 from left place 2 of these for the eyes for last design, x: -25 y: -100 shade: 40
logo: design, Lettering, sign: 2nd row 1st sign, place in middle of last sign and make black.
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