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Tony Atlas
CAW by Taker71

Date added: 16th October 2007
Name: Tony Atlas
Hud Name: Tony Atlas
Announcer Intro: The People's Champ
Hometown: Virginia
Gender: Male
Weight class: default
Match Tacktic: Clean
Show: Smackdown
Voice: voice 5

Body skin: (8/9) color(88, 6) (-31)
Face skin tone: (2/13)
Eyes: (2/8) color(100, -9) (-41)
Eyebrows: (1/54) color(86, 0) (-16)
L:ips: (3/45) color (90, -7) (-51)
Hair: (49/50) color(87, 0) (-8)

Height: 6'4"

Head morph: (default)
Forehead morph: (0, 31, 0, -7)
Eyebrows: (-12, 49, 10, -66)
Eyes: (0, -33, 22, -2, -27, 30, 9)
Nose: (100, -31, 100, -31, -63, 65, 30, -21)
Cheeks: (76, -2, 28, 56)
Mouth: (83, 47, -31, 60, 46, -14, 0)
Jaw: (71, 42, 45, 36, 4, 0)
Ears: (54, 0, 0, 0)
Skin age: (27)

Body type: (-60)

Neck: (-100, 64, 100)
Chest: (61, 23, 72)
Shoulder: (-21, 96, -20)
Abs: (default)
Waist: (default)
Arms: (20, 23, -1)
Hands: (default)
Legs: (default)
Feet: (default)

Underwear: (1) color(default black)
Socks: (16/18) color (default black)
Shoes: (2) stylize to tallest height - color(77, 4) (-2)
Kneepads: (14/15) left knee - color(default- purple)

Move set: Batista
Entrance & Music: Bobby Lashley

Anything not noted is default.

Any suggestions welcomed.
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