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Super Dragon
CAW by OTM / Captain CAWisma

Formula by TjohnnyBlue

Date added: 8th May 2007
Name Super Dragon
Hud S. Dragon
Nickname Default
Placement None
Announcer Introduction The Superstar
Hometown Anaheim, Ca.
Weight Light Heavyweight 213 lbs.
Match Tactic Dirty
Show Smackdown!
Voice 1
Match Specialty None

Head and Face Morphing

Head 36,-25,-8
Forehead -100,-100,11,-75

Eyebrows -100,-63,-63,100
Eyes 100,-98,100,84,60,0,91
Nose -100,-39,-100,-100,-100,-100,100,-12
Cheeks -45,-52,-100,-67
Mouth -100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100,-100
Jaw 100,-100,-69,27,-17,-32
Ears -100,97,-100,-100
Skin Aging 0

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -100,0,0
Chest -64,0,0
Shoulder -45,-7,0
Abdomen -7,28,0
Legs 0,13,37

Everything else in Advanced Options is set at 0.

Body Height 6 Ft. 0 In.


1.Body Skin (1) 90,0,0
2.Face Skin Tones (1)
3.Eyes Hacked: Masks (21) -55,-100,-100
4.Eyebrows Hacked: Shoes (2) -100,2,-100
5.Eyelids Hacked: Gloves (7) -100,-100,-100
6.Lips Hacked: Men's Clothes (2) -13,-100,-76
7.Teeth Hacked: Men's Bottoms (3) -13,-100,-75
8.Hair (43) 25,43,-27
9.Bodyhair Hacked: Leg Tattoo (87) 25,-15,4
10.Underwear Hacked: Make Up (39) 25,13,-24
11.Face Paint (71) 100,0,-100,100
12.Face Paint (98) 37,12,-63,100
13.Design (8) Largest Hor 3rd Ver. Place centered on his forehead. 25,-31,5,100
14.Face Paint (121) 58,-3,-21,100
15. and 16. will overlap a bit and be placed side by side to cover his eyes. Both are Flag (7) Largest Hor. 3rd Ver. 100,-77,100,100
17.Design (92) 3rd Hor. 3rd Ver. Place centered on his forehead, with the bottom of the design right on top of the Last 2 Layers. -19,-100,-100,100
18. and 19. are placed centered across Layers 15 and 16. Both are Design (135) Largest Hor. Smallest Ver. Rotate Once Right Eye Side, Rotate 3 Times Left Eye Side -83,0,-100,100
20. and 21. will cover the mouth area of the mask. Both are Design (48) 3rd Hor. Largest Ver. Rotate Once Right Cheek Side, Rotate 3 Times Left Cheek Side 30,-24,9,100
22.Men's Clothes (30) Sleeveless 25,-4,-31,100
23. and 24. are centered side by side on the front of the shirt, with the top half of each design covering each pec. Both are Design (93) Rotate Twice Largest Hor. Largest Ver. -19,-100,-31,100
25.Design (121) Rotate Twice 2nd Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on the top half of the front of the shirt. 73,67,21,20
26. and 27. Repeat Layers 23 and 24 on the back of the shirt, but place so the very top of each heart is just aliongside the top of his arms on his back spaced 4 inches apart.
28.Design (102) Largest Hor. Largest Ver. Place centered on the bottom half of his back, with the top of the design cutting into 3 inches of the bottom of the green towards the top of his back. -19,-100,-33,100
29. and 30. are placed from just over each hip, going to the just below each pec on the front of the shirt. Both are Design (98) Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. Rotate Once Left Pec Side Only 40,-27,-15,100
31. and 32. are placed centered on the top half of the Last 2 Layers. Both are Design (100) Rotate Once Left Pec Side Only Largest Hor. 2nd Ver. 80,-19,4,100

A1 Fighting Style
Brawler (2x)
Signs are your choice
Moves Aggressive, Less all other choices

Easy Creation Entrance
Motion Chris Benoit
Movie Rey Mysterio
Music Tazz

Magnum Driver, Reverse Death Valley
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