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CAW by XHayabusaX

Date added: 5th November 2007
Name: Sting
HUD Name: Sting
Nickname: The Man Called
Nickname Placement: prefix
Announcer Introduction: The Icon
Hometown: Venice Beach, California
Weightclass: Heavyweight 252 ibs
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Raw
Voice: Voice 3
Match Speciality: submission

Head Morphing: (0,0,0)
Forehead: (0,0,0,0)

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: (-100,100,17,68)
Eyes: (-30,-7,-6,3,0,0,-3)
Nose: (5,23,3,1,4,13,32,-3)
Cheeks: (-11,-100,-1,-22)
Mouth: (100,-15,-49,12,12,0,100)
Jaw: (9,1,8,3,-30,0)
Ears: (-3,-63,-42,-5)
Skin Aging: (0)

-Body Morphing-
Body Type: (12)

-Advanced Options-
Neck: (-44,19,13)
Chest: (98,20,21)
Shoulder: (-7,8,7)
Abdomen: (-13,6,8)
Waist: (14,14)
Arms: (11,16,8)
Hands: (5,5,3)
Legs: (10,9,7)
Feet: (2,6,6)

Body Height: 6'2"


1. Body Skin 1/9 (90,0,0)
2. Face Skin Tones 1/13
3. Eyes 2/8 (92,0,-19)
4. Eyebrows 1/54 (86,0,0)
5. Eyelashes 1/22 (87,0,0)
6. Lips 1/45 (98,0,0,)
7. Teeth 1/7 (96,0,0)
8. Hair 17/50 (91,0,-100)
9. BodyHair 1/32 (100,0,0)
10. Underwear 3/28
11. Wristbands 1/22 (-100,-100,100,100,15)
12. Tight 3/20 (-100,34,-100,100,100)
13. Underwear 7/28 (-100,100,14,100)
14. Facepaint 56/154 (100,-100,14,100)
15. Facepaint 73/154 (99,0,-100,100)
16. Other Facial Hair 27/27 (90,0,-100,100)
17. Facepaint 110/154 (-85,0,-100,100)
18. Design 97/137 3rd H, largest V (Default White)
19. Design 97/137 3rd H, largest V (Default White)
20. Facepaint 60/154 (73,-100,100,100)
21. Facepaint 33/154 (100,78,15,100)
22. Facepaint 19/154 (-90,-100,-100,100)
23. Shoes 2/29 (-100,100,0)
24. Design 103/137 3rd H, 2nd V (-100,100,49,50)
25. Design 103/137 3rd H, 2nd V (-100,100,49,50)
26. Design 103/137 rotate once 2nd H, 3rd V (-100,100,49,50)
27. Design 103/137 rotate once 2nd H, 3rd V (-100,100,49,50)
28. Gloves 13/17 (-100,100,100)
29. Design 26/137 3rd H, largest V (Default White)
30. Design 26/137 3rd H, largest V (-100,100,29,100)
31. Sign 1/6 ( largest H & V (-23,0,-100,100)
32. Sign 1/6 ( rotate once largest H & V (-23,0,-100,100)
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