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Sonic The Hedgehog

Date added: 26th May 2008
Head Morphing
Head 0,0,0
Forehead 0,0,0
Face Morphing
Eyebrows 0,0,-46,0
Eyes 0 for all
Nose 0,0,0,-100,0,0,0,0
Cheeks 0 for all
Mouth 0,0,0,-80,0,0,0
Jaw -100,-100, -58, 0, 0, -100
Ears 0 for all
Skin Aging 0

Body Type 0
Neck -100, 0, 0
Chest 0, -77, 0
Shoulder 0 for all
Abdomen 0 for all
Waist 0, -73
Arms 100, -100, -100
Hands 0 for all
Legs 0, -100, -100
Feet 100, 100, 0
Height 5'10"

1. Body Skin 6/9 and then -21, 94, -6, 100
2. Face Skin Tones 7/12
3. Eyes N/A (Sonic's eyes will be covered with a mask, so this doesn't matter).
4. Eyebrows N/A
5. Eyelashes N/A
6. Lips N/A
7. Teeth N/A
8. Hair 43/50 and then -26, 95, 15
9. Body Hair N/A
10. Underwear 11/28 (color does not matter since Sonic will have tights)
11. Wrist bands 1/22 and then -100, -42, 100, 100, 96
12. Other Headwear 18/31 and then -31, 48, 14
13. Socks 1/18 and then -13, -77, 18, 6
14. Masks 12/22 and then -13, -78, 19, 100
15. Masks 17/22 and then -24, 100, -11, 100
16. Design (Head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
17. Design (Head) 93/137 no rotation, largest vertically, largest horitontally, and then -18, -86, 78, 100 (see help pic for placement)
18. Design (Head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
19. Tights 1/20 and then -25, 1, -10, 100, 85
20. Gloves 4/17 and then make as white as possible
21. Design (Right Arm) 103/137 rotate once, largest horizontally, largest vertically, and then -100, -53, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
22. Repeat step 21. The designs should cover the entire arm down to Sonic’s writst. Now it appears as if the gloves are much shorter than they really are. Repeat for the left arm. It should only take you 2 designs per arm.
23. See step 22
24. See step 24
25. Shoes 22/29 and then -100, 100, 100
26. Design 103/137 (head) no rotate, 2nd largest vertically, 2nd biggest horizontally and then make as white as possible (see help pic for placement)
27. Design 103/137 (head) no rotate, 2nd largest vertically, 2nd biggest horizontally and then make as white as possible (see help pic for placement)
28. Design 103/137 (head) no rotate, 2nd largest vertically, 2nd biggest horizontally and then make as white as possible (see help pic for placement)
29. Design 103/137 (head) no rotate, 2nd largest vertically, 2nd biggest horizontally and then make as white as possible (see help pic for placement)
30. Design 103/137 (head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
31. Design (Head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
32. Design (Head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)
33. Design (Head) 103/137 rotate once, largest horitontally and largest vertically and then -100, -44, 100, 100 (see help pic for placement)

*NOTES* Layers 26-29 are all copies and should be placed relativley close to the top of his nose. Layers 30-33 are all copies of layers 16-18 and should go on top of the white area so that the two are connected in the middle of Sonic’s face. If you take a look at a picture of the real Sonic, you should notice some simmilarities. Take a look at the model picture and the help pics for assistance.

34. WWE design (head) 34/47, no rotation, 2nd smallest horizontally, smallest vertically and then make as dark as possible (see help pic for placement)
35. WWE design (head) 34/47, 2nd largest horizontally, 2nd largest vertically, no rotation, and then -100, -55, 100, 100

36. Proceed to place designs over the Spirit Squad logo to cover up the letters. The designs can be any design that is of regular color and shape (circles and/or squares will do). They don’t need to be rotated or a specific length, but the color should be -100, -58, 70, 100. When you are finished, you should have a peach colored circle in the middle of Sonic’s mid-section (this is his belly). See the help pic for placement.

37. See layer/step 36
38. See layer/step 36
39. See layer/step 36
40. See layer/step 36
41. Flag 10/12 (head) 2nd smallest vertically, 2nd largest horizontally, no rotation and then make as white as possible (see help pic for placement).
42. Design (head) 97/137 no rotation, 2nd smallest horizotally, 2nd smallest vertically, and then -100, 0, 15, 100 (see help pic for placement)
43. Design (head) 97/137 no rotation, 2nd smallest horizotally, 2nd smallest vertically, and then -100, 0, 15, 100 (see help pic for placement)
44. Design (body) 103/137 no rotation, make as big as possible both horizontally and verically and then -22, 100, 33, 100. These designs will be used to cover up the line between Sonic’s mid-section and hips (created by the tights) to make it look like Sonic is totally blue. If you need help on placing, see help pic.


This is a basic Sonic model, but to jazz him up a bit (just for fun) you can put V shaped spikes on his back by using the alphabet V design on the back of his body. It looks kinda corny, but it’s still pretty neat.

If you want to use my created CAW in a YouTube video, contact me first so you can give proper credit.

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