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Samoa Joe
CAW by Oli The Great One

Date added: 16th November 2006

Name: Samoa Joe
HUD Name: Joe
Nickname: Submission Machine
Nickname Placement: Prefix
Announcer Intro: The Machine
Hometown: Long Beach, California
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (350)
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Up 2 u!
Voice: I picked 4
Match Speciality: Submission


Head Morphing: -29, 38, 27
Forehead Morphing: 100, 100, 100, -15
Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -40, 79, -8, 0
Eyes: 32, -13, -34, 49, 7, -31, 19
Nose: 54, -35, 100, -22, 9, -39, 30, -37
Cheeks: 58, -95, 27, -44
Mouth: -30, -35, -15, -48, 6, 11, -80
Jaw: -50, 13, 22, 27, 38, 89
Ears: 0, 75, -31, -7
Skin Ageing: 27

Face Parts:
Face Skin Tones: 5
Eyes: 2 (88, -2, -29)
Eyebrows: 9 (89, 0, 0)
Eyelashes: DEFAULT
Hair: 1 (90, 0, -13)
Facial Hair: Sideburns: 7 (89, 0, -33, 100)
Make-Up: 48 (94, -100, -100, 2)

Body Type: 6
Advanced Options:
Neck: -89, 39, 81
Chest: 28, 15, 31
Shoulder: -73, 87, -50
Abdomen: -10, 47, 44
Waist: 45, 61
Arms: 0, 4, 0
Hands: 0, 13, 16
Legs: 0, 55, 53

Body Skin: 5 (89, 3, 0)
Body Hair: 1


Underwear: 2 (DEFAULT)
Underwear: 23 Pattern: 27 (-44, 0, -42, 100)
Elbow Pads (Left Only): 2 (-13, -78, -74, 100)
Socks: 1 (-13, -77, -84, 100, 74)
Knee Pads: 15 (-13, -78, -74, 100)
Shoes: 1
Gloves (Both): 6 (-100, -78, -44)
Leg Accessories: 1 (100, -85, -22, 100)
Design (Torso/ Front): 109 (-100, -15, -2, 100) Use it if u want, I’m using it as his necklace as there don’t seem 2 b a better alternative in this game. Move as high up as possible and adjust the size to fit his neck.
Alphabet (S J): BLACK: Placed on the wrist band on the right arm. Again adjust to fit.

A.I. Fighting Style: Brawler/ Grapple Or Umaga
Advanced: Agressive, Less, Less, Less
Crowd Signs: Tap Out!, One Sadistic Man, Samoan Bulldozer, Samoan Spike
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