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Paul London
CAW by .Lionheart

Morphing by JLegacy

Date added: 30th June 2008
Employment Application Form
Morphing by JLegacy

Name: Paul London
HUD Name: London
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Paul
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Smackdown
Voice: 1
Match Specialty: None


Basic Faces: None

-Head Morphing-

Head: -13, 0, 11
Forehead: 3, 0, 64, -28

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -100, 71, 6, -5
Eyes: 0, -35, -7, 50, 0, -21, 37
Nose: 65, 100, -4, -30, -43, -74, 0, 19
Cheeks: -76, 28, -48, -30
Mouth: 94, -17, -43, -97, 46, 17, -8
Jaw: -34, 31, -42, -80, -100, -9
Ears: 6, 5, 0, 0
Skin Aging: 10


Body Type: 0
Neck: -59, 8, 0
Chest: 13, -18, 21
Shoulder: -56, -15, -3
Abdomen: -50, 6, -5
Waist: 2, 1
Arms: -13, 1, 1
Hands: -7, -4, -2
Legs:-19, -1, -6
Feet: 0, -8, -5

Body Skin: #3 92, 4, -4
Body Hair: #1 -26, -100, 55, 23
Body Height: 5’10???? 5 Clicks After 5’9????


Body Skin: #3 92, 4, -4
Face Skin Tones: #10
Eyes: #2 64, -39, -20
Eyebrows: #37 86, -5, 0
Lips: #1 91, -6, 0
Teeth: #1 96, 0, 0
Hair: #22 100 -71, -31, -72
Underwear: 3
Goatee 5/13 Def black

Split tights Trick (not a Hack)

select a right knee only kneepad
go back with "triangle" or "B"
select Tights 1/20 27, 42, -29, 100, 54
select a left knee only kneepad
go back with "triangle" or "B"
select Tights 1/20 -74, 46, -11, 100, 54
Add Bottoms 21/34 (colour of this doesn’t matter
add logo’s WWE 1 (colour, shape, placement done matter)
go to the layer list
select the "move" option
select the WWE logo
move the layer up until it reaches the top (#11 position)
press "triangle" or "B"
delete the logo
Now it should have two different colours!

Mens Clothes 23/31 27, 42, -24, 100 (uncheck for match)
Gloves 1/17 (right only) 27, 42, -29
Gloves 1/17 (left Only) -74, 46, -11
Shoes 2 Default Black
Leg Accessories 2/5 -74, 47, -9, 100

Leg Design 95/137 Should go from bottom of shorts up
Torso Design 18/135 Default white (from top of shorts to link with other line)

Do that till there are 2 stripes on each leg
Alphabet 6/14 “P???? Default yellow
Alphabet 6/14 “L???? Default yellow
Torso Back WWE 33/47 LH 3V Default white (uncheck for match)
Left Leg WWE 33/47 Default Size bottom of shorts close to the line

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Updated Name From J_A to .Lionheart
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