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Jeff Hardy
CAW by Smacktalks

Date added: 15th November 2006

Name: Jeff Hardy
HUD Name: Jeff Hardy
Nickname: Jeff
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Jeffrey
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight

Match Tactic: Clean
Show: RAW
Voice: Voice-1
Match Speciality: Ladder

Head Morphing


Height: 69
Width: -29
Depth: 31


Size: -15
Height: 25
Width: -1
Depth: -15

Face Morphing


Y-Axis: -68
Thickness: 52
Depth: 56
Angle: 58


Size: -27
Height: 33
Width: 47
Y-Axis: 53
X-Axis: 0
Depth: 3
Angle: 29


Size: -17
Height: 0
Width: -29
Length: 0
Nostril H.: -9
Nostril W.: -26
Depth: 0
Angle: 15


Size: -57
Y-Axis: -54
X-Axis: -23
Depth: 7


Height: 0
Thickness: 0
Width: -49
Depth: -39
Upper Lip: -6
Lower Lip: 29
Angle: -19


Height: -9
Width: -13
Depth: 0
Outline: -1
Upper Line: -9
Thickness: -9


Height: -50
Angle 1: 0
Angle 2: -50
Shape: 0

Skin Aging

Age: 27


01 Body Skin: 5 (Colour: 3rd from top)
02 Face Skin Tones: 10
03 Eyes: 1 (Colour: X:91, Y:45, Shade: -13)
04 Eyebrows: 54 (Colour: Default Shade: 0)
05 Eyelashes: 2 (Colour: Default Shade: 0)
06 Lips: 1 (Colour: Default Shade: 0)
07 Teeth: 1 (Colour: Default Shade: 0)
08 Hair: 39 (Colour: X:-76, Y:44, Shade: 6, Hair Scale: -100)
09 Body Hair: 2 (Colour: Default, Shade 0)
10 Underwear: 1 (Colour Default, Shade 0)
11 Sideburns: 15 (Colour X:89,Y:0, Shade -29, Alpha 29)
12 Goatee: 5 (Colour: X:89,Y:0, Shade -29, Alpha:19)
13 Right Arm Tattoo: 29 (Colour: X:26,Y:-25, Shade: 21, Alpha:0)
14 Right Arm Tattoo: 6 (Colour: X:-5,Y:99, Shade:46, Alpha:0)
15 Ear Piercing: 3 (Colour: Default, Shade:-39)
16 Arm Accessories: 5 (Colour: Black)
17 Other Facial Hair: 16 (Colour:X:89,Y:8, Shade -17, Alpha:5)
18 Wristbands (Right): 12 (Colour: X:-13,Y:-78, Shade:-74, Alpha:100, Length:100)
19 Wristbands (Right):9 (Colour:X:-44,Y:0, Shade:-4, Alpha:100, Length:100)
20 Wristbands (Left): 1 (Colour:X:67,Y:65, Shade:15, Alpha:100, Length:100)
21 Wristbands (Left): 12 (Colour:X-53,Y:19, Shade:-28, Alpha:100, Length:100)
22 Wristbands (Right): 13 (Colour:X:-78,Y:83, Shade:61, Alpha:76, Length:100)
23 Mustache: 1 (Colour:X:91,Y:0, Shade:-9, Alpha:9)
24 Shoes: 19 (Colour:X:-13,Y:-77, Shade:-61)
25 Men's Bottoms: 29 (Colour X:-13,Y:-77,S:-79)
26 Men's Clothes: 18 Stylize: Tucked In (Colour:X:-13,Y:-77, Shade:-100)
27 Men's Clothes: 17 Stylize: Tucked In (Colour:X:-13,Y:-78, Shade:-74)
28 Belts: 14 (Colour:X:1,Y:-100, Shade:10, Alpha:100)
29 Design (Middle Of Back - See Note): 103 (Colour:X:-19,Y:-98, Shade:-29, Alpha:100)
30 Make-Up: 22 (Colour:X:93,Y:13, Shade:23, Alpha:100)
31 Arm Tattoo (Right): 69 (Colour:X:44,Y:-28, Shade:14, Alpha:13)
32 Make-Up: 3 (Colour:X:-33,Y:-8, Shade:-37, Alpha:0)


A.I. Fighting Style 1: Luchador
A.I. Fighting Style 2: Brawler


Move: Aggressive
Irish Whip: Oftern
Diving Moves: Oftern
Taunt: Less

Crowd Signs:

Sign 1: Twist Of Fate
Sign 2: I Will Not Die
Sign 3: Hardy Will Have Revenge
Sign 4: MH


Layer 29: This black square is used to cover the reflective patch on the back of the T-Shirt, it's but essential but I prefer it.

Credit: Smacktalks (m0tS`)
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