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Hacksaw Jim Duggan
CAW by Dead Leaf Mantis

Date added: 17th November 2006
Name: Jim Duggan
HUD: Duggan
N'Name: Hacksaw
Placement: Prefix
Announcer: The Legend/ The Superstar
Hometown: New York
Male (obviously)
Weight: 240lbs
Voice 1
Match Speciality: None

Hair 24: x87, y0, shade 9, scale -72
Eyes 1
Eyebrows 8: x89, y0, shade 39
Lips 2
Skin tone 2
Mustache 1: x89, y0, shade 29, alpha 100
other facial hair 19: x89, y0, shade 9, alpha 100

Head Morphing
Head: -7, -13, -53
Forhead: -37, 0, 0, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -71, 32, -29, 100
Eyes: 0,-46,-29,-15,0,87,35
Nose: 0,0,65,-54,0,0,0,67
Cheeks: 30,12,46,49
Mouth: 39, -30, -73, 0, 0, 0, 0
Jaw: 0,0,0,23,28,41
Skin Age: 47

Body type: 61
Neck: -61,0,0
Chest: -28,0,0
Abdomen: -28,-14,0
Arms: 0,-42,-59
Legs: -34,-94--64

Body Skin: 5
Body Hair 32: x90, y0, shade 19

Kneepads 15: colour blue
Shoes 2: colour blue
Underwear 4
Bottoms 20: x-29, y-3, shade -10, short style.
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