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"Da Bad Guy" Razor Ramon
CAW by American Dream

Date added: 5th October 2007
Name: Razor Ramon
HUD: Razor
Nickname: Da Bad Guy
Nickname Placement: prefiz
Announcer Intro: the legend
Hometwon: Miami, FL
Weight Class: Heavywght.(275lbs.)
Height: 6’ 7???? - right b4 it changes to 6’ 8????

Body skin: (5) color(98, 6) (-3)
Face skin: (12)
Eyes: (2) color(99, -8) (-24)
Eyebrows: (44) color(87, -5) (-30)
Lips: (26) color(98, 6) (15)
Hair: (34) color(88, -20) (-35) hair scale(-51)
Body hair: (18) color(97, -1) (8)
Otherfacialhair: (19) color(-100, -100) (-15)
Goatee: (10) color(-100, -20) (0) alpha(50)
Makeup: (18) color(97, 0) (-10)
Makeup: (62) color(94, 0) (-7) alpha(80)

Underwear: (7) color(-5, -15) (0)
Underwear: (4) color(-5, -15) (0)
Elbow pad: (1) l. arm only - color(-5, -15) (20)
Elbow pad: (2) r. arm only - color(-13, -100) (-80)
Kneepads: (5) both legs - color(-5, -15) (0)
Shoes: (2) color(-100, -100) (35)

Design/Torso/Back: (103) largest size hor. & 3rd largest vert. - place this in the middle of his butt - color(default yellow)
WWE/Torso/Back: (26) smallest hor. & vert. - place this in the middle of previous design - color(-5, 48) (100)
Design/Torso/Back: (95) smallest vert. & 3rd largest hor. - place this right above the previous mentioned wwe design, make sure it’s touching one end of design # 103 - color(default black) - now copy it, & finish the line going across the top, it should now look like a razor blade somewhat…

Alphabet/Torso/Front: (1/14) spell out “RAZOR???? - now I started with the “Z???? in the middle of his tights & done it that way, just make sure that the “Z???? is the biggest letter & the “RAOR???? is one size smaller than the “Z???? - color(default yellow)
Design #95, use two of these to make the lines on the "Z" longer - color(*default yellow
Men’s Clothes: (23) color(-5, -10) (-7) “entrance/ cut scene???? only

Head morph: (23, 1, 15)
Forehead morph: (25, -56, -60, -29)

Eyebrows: (-90, 83, 10, -42)
Eyes: (-21, -17, 25, 60, -25, -20, 4)
Nose: (53, 46, 46, -23, -42, -34, 0, -5)
Cheeks: (-20, 88, 27, -54)
Mouth: (-21, -13, -39, -70, -23, 5, -45)
Jaw: (40, 24, -21, -8, -11, -27)
Ears: (-30, 58, -39, 0)

Body type: (40)

Neck: (-70, 28, 36)
Chest: (8, 4, -1)
Shoulder: (-70, 45, -40)
Abs: (-8, 24, -17)
Waist: (9, -11)
Arms: (22, -30, 18)
Hands: (-20, -17, -12)
Legs: (12, -15, -17)
Feet: (4, -17, -7)
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