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CM Punk (Ring Of Honour)
CAW by Jerichoholics_Anonymous

Morphing by ja7kou87

Date added: 17th March 2008
CM Punk
Ring of Honour

Name: CM Punk
HUD Name: CM Punk
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: none
Announcer Introduction: Phillip (Or your preferred choice)
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight 230lb
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Raw
Voice: Voice 2
Match Specialty: Hardcore

H=horizontal V= Vertical D=Default

Head Morphing: (5, -3, 0)
Forehead: (0, 0, -20, -11)

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: (-100, -42, 31, -20)
Eyes: (0, -29, -31, -5, 20, -5, -18)
Nose: (0, 15, 10, 0, 10, -20, 0, -6)
Cheeks: (-100, 0, 0, -21)
Mouth: (0, -71, -16, -15, -11, -11, -44)
Jaw: (-2, 0, 25, -40, -26, 0)
Ears: Default
Skin Aging: 2

-Body Morphing-
Body Type: 0

-Advanced Options-
Neck: (-42, 3, 0)
Chest: (0, 0, 10)
Shoulder: (-51, 3, 0)
Abdomen: (0, 7, 11)
Waist: (10, 5)
Arms: (0, 0, 3)
Hands: Default
Legs: (0, 5, 9)
Feet: Default

Body Skin: 1 (92, 0, -2)
Body Height: 6'

Face Skin Tones: 1
Eyes: 1 (-15, 0, -65)
Eyebrows: 18 (89, 0, -46)
Eyelashes: 1 (87, 0, 0)
Lips: 1 (96, -2, -5)
Teeth: Default
Hair: 22 (71 64 0 -100)
Goatee 5 (-100 -100 -100 100)

Bottoms 21 (-100 -100 -100 100)
Shoes 2 9-100 -100 -78) stylize mid height
Knee Pads 14 (-100 -100 -92 100)
Wristbands (-100 -100 -100 100 6)

Left leg design 102 2H LV (default white) place on outside of the left side of pants
Copy twice more and move the x’s down so they’re in a vertical row (resize if they don’t fit)

Torso Design95 DH LV place so the top of the line is on the top of the shorts not actually on his stomach - white

Design 95 left leg DH LV (place next to line of x’s) – white

Left shoulder Pepsi design
Left Arm Design 97, default red, 18, 18 2H 2V
Left Arm Design 97, default white, 18, 18 2H 2V
Left Arm Design 97, default blue, 18, 18 2H 2V
Right Arm WWE 9/47 2H 3V 100 0 0 0

and there you have the 38th (and hopefully best) CM Punk Caw
Brought To You by Jerichoholics_Anonymous

(any questions can be sent to
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