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Bobby Crack (BYW Days)
CAW by Bobby Crack

Date added: 15th December 2007
Backyard Days

Name: Bobby Crack
HUD Name: Bobby
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Tyler
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 180 lbs
Match Tactic: Dirty
Show: Raw
Voice: Voice-2
Match Specialty: TLC

Face Parts:
Hair: 1/50, x: 90 y: 0, Shade: 0
Eyes: 1/8, Brown
Eye Brows: 1/54, Brown
Facial Hair: Goatee: 5/13, x:89 y: 0, Shade: 0, Alpha: 100
Sideburns: 12/17, x: 89 y: 0, Shade: 0
Lips: 1/45, x:98 Y:0, Shade:0
Skin Tones: 7/13
Eye lashes: 1/22, X:96 Y:0, Shade:0

Head Morphing
Head: Height:-8, Width: -9, Depth: -4
Forehead: Size: -3, Height:-2, Width:-3, Depth: -2

Face Morphing
Eye brows: Y-axis:-55, Thickness:-5, Depth:-1, Angle:32
Eyes: Size:-27, Height:-14, Width:-5, Y-axis:-8
Nose: Size:-8, Height:-29, Width:-7, Length:-27, Nostril h:-15, Nostril W:-5, Depth:-15
Cheeks: Size:-8, Y-axis:-14, X-axis:-11, Depth:-7
Mouth: Thickness:-10, Width:-4, Depth:-25, Upper Lip:17, Angle:-32
Jaw: Outline:-29, Upper Lips:-29, Thickness:-17
Ears: Shape:-15
Make-up: 1/65, Black

Body Type:-18
Neck: Height: -14, Weight:-9
Chest: Width:-18, Depth:-39
Shoulder: Height:-10, Width:-41, Depth: 9
Adomen: Depth:-5
Waist: Width:15
Arms: Length: -56, Width: -33, Depth: -8
Hands: Width:-31, Depth:-8
Feet: Length:9

Body Skin: 1/9, X:90 Y:0, Shade:0
Body Hair:1/32
Body Height: 5'10"

Glasses *Not in match*
36/39, X:100 Y:-100, Shade:-55
Elbow pads (both arms) *Not entrence nor cutscene*
2/16, X:-13 Y:-78, Shade:19, Alpha:100
Face Paint
20/154, X:12 Y:0, Shade:-78, Alpha:100
Gloves (both Hands) *Not in Entrence nor Cutscene*
6/17, X:-13 Y:-28, Shade:-74
10/29, X:100 Y:0, Shade:-25
Men's Clothing *Not in match*
1/31, X:-100 Y:3, Shade:15, Stle: Loose, over pants
Men's Bottoms
29/34, pattern:8/45, X-97 Y:18, Shade:-44
Men's Clothing *Not in Entrence nor Cutscene*
5/31, X:-13 Y:-78, Shade:-74, Style:Loose, over pants
Jackets *Not in match*
7/20, X:-23 Y:-78, Shade:-23, Style:Open
Make up
63/65, Black
Piercing (optional)
2/12, yellowish, both ears
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