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Batman (Begins)
CAW by keanu2king & brother

Date added: 1st April 2008
Name:Batman Begins
HUD Name:Batman
Nickname:Bruce Wayne
Nickname Placement:None
Announcer Introduction:The Hero
Hometown:New York
Weight:240 lbs.
Match Tactics : DIRTY

Face parts:
Hair: 50
Eyes: 1 (default)
Eyebrows: 29 (-100, -100, -100)
Eyelashes: (default)
Lips: 1 (98, 0, -100)
Teeth: default
Body Skin: 8 (-100, -100, -77)
Body Hair: default

Head Morphing:Head: 20, 10, -15
Forehead: -100, -100, 60, -40

Facemorphing: Eyebrows: -100, -100, 35, 30
Eyes: -70, 0, -100, -51, 0, 0, 0
Nose; 35, 100, -100, -30, 0, 100, 20, 40
Cheeks:-40, -35, -15, 15
Mouth:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Jaw: 100, 100, 45, -25, 100, 40
Ears: -100, -100, -100, -100
skin aging:0

Body Height:6'3"

Advanced Options:Neck:-15, 25, 40
Chest: 5, 40, 20
Shoulder: -35, 60, -45
Abdomen: -30, 15,15
Waist: -5, 5
Arms: -35, -25, -20
Hands:-25, -25, -25
Legs: 5, 10, 15
Feet: 0,0,0

Head wear/Horns 12: -96, -100,-95
Tights 3: -100, -100, -100, 100, 100
Men's Clothes 5: Stylize/Long Sleeve/Tucked in: -100, -100,-100, 100
Elbow Pads 8: -100, -100,-88, 100
Shoes 5:-100, -100, -100
Glove 4: -100, -100, -100
Torso Accessories 1: -100, -100, -63, 100
Belts 14: 71, 0 -1
Torso Design 103:front 2nd smallest size rotate 1x place as belt buckle (71, 0, -1)
Torso WWE 23: (70, 11, -68)
Head Design 103: Largest horizontal default vertical rotate 1x Place right below his nose to cover mouth: 90, -4, 51, 98
Repeat Last step twice and bring it down until it covers the mouth and chin entirely
Torso Design 23: Bring Down to center of belt buckle: (-100, -100, -100, 100)

*P.s. Some changes may have been made since the above picture was taken.
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