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Balls Mahoney
CAW by .Lionheart

Morphing by Quetzalcotl

Date added: 20th June 2008
Name- Balls Mahoney
Hud- Mahoney
Nickname- Default
Nickname Placement- None
Anouncer Introduction- Big Daddy
Hometown- New Jersey
Gender- Male
Weight class- 305 lbs
Match tactics- clean
show- Raw
Voice- 4
Match specialty- Hardcore

Face Parts

Hair- 22/50 85,20,-1,-100
eyes- 2/8 93,0,-51
eyebrows- 37/54 90,-11,11
lips- 1/45 98,0,-13
skin tones- 5/13
eyelids- default
teeth- 3/7 Default Colour
Facial Hair Others: 14/27 90. 0. -6, 100
Goatee 11/13 default colour
Moustache 1/11 default colour

Head Morphing

Head - 7,33,17
Forehead - 8,32,27,50

Face Morphing

eyebrows -88,58,5,27
eyes -11,13,9,17,8,0,-12
nose 40,-7,18,-17,3,43,32,-65
cheeks 17,0,0,38
mouth -42,-27,-12,8,-54,-49,-56
jaw 68,8,4,2,6,33
ears- default
skin aging - 32

Body type

body type - (18)
neck -49,35,39
chest 24,24,-13
shoulder -27,-4,-25
abdomen - 15,49,36
waist - 67,36
arms -32,8,45
hands - default
legs -11,8,0
feet - default

Body skin - 6/9 - 3rd preset color down
body hair - default
body height - 6'2"

Headwear Piercing 9/12 default white
Body Tattoos Left Arm: 29/147 38, -67, -19, 39
Body Tattoos Right Arm: 96/147 38, -67, -21, 69
Gloves both hands: 6/17 -13, -78, 0
Mens Clothes 11/31 -100, -100, -100, 100
Mens Bottoms 1/34 Default Black, Stylize shortest
Shoes 2/29 Default black stylize middle height
Socks 1/18 -13, -78, 19, 100, 31
Kneepads Right 14/15 -13, -78, -9, 100
Kneepads Left 14/15 default black
Flag Torso Front 1/12 3V Largest H Default colour
Design Torso front 109/137 default white resize and place in blue part of flag
Design torso front 112/137 smallest V&H Put inside Circle
Logo WWE Front 1 (ECW) Underneath USA Flag Largest H 2V Default red

*Updated Picture
**Updated name
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