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"Bad Ass" Billy Gunn
CAW by WolfgangJT

Date added: 24th July 2007
Help Pics (Zip File)
Start with face model 12: default model (delete any layers past 10)

Head: -17, -8, 21
Forehead: 0, -14, -100, -2

Eyebrows: -57, -11, 0, 18
Eyes: -2, -54, -24, -18, 16, 0, 0
Nose: 0, -39, 0, -6, 0, -45, 0, 12
Cheek: -10, 43, -8, -8
Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -52
Jaw: 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0
Ears: 60, -48, -36, 28
Age: 7

Body Type: -9
Neck: -13, 13, 31
Chest: -29, -20, 42
Shoulder: 0, -7, -53
Abdomen: -88, 30, 30
Waist: 45, 23
Arms: -64, 24, 22
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 10, -16, 35
Feet: 0, 61, -20

Body Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 268 lbs

1. Body Skin 5 (92, 2, -2, 1)
2. Face Skin 12
3. Eyes 1:100, 0, 0
4. Eyebrows 25: 89, -18, 7
5. Eyelashes 1: 87, 0, 0
6. Lips 1: 96, -4, 6
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 21: 84, -2, 3, -100 or Hair 41: 82, 8, 42 (for ponytail...change forehead width to 34)
9. Body Hair: None
10. Underwear 24: -55, -10, -1
11. Sideburns 12: 80, -23, 7, 100
12. Knee Pads 8: -13, -78, -74, 100
13. Knee Pads 10: -13, -78, -74, 100
14. Knee Pads 5: -60, 47, 16, 100
15. Wristbands 1: -26, -85, 11, 100, 19
16. Makeup 50: 92, -5, 12, 67
17. Makeup 19 (stylize to the one on the side of the cheek/jaw/neck area): 91, -21, 49, 100
18. Head > Logos > Design 93, rotate twice, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place below nose on upper mouth area as seen in help pics: 92, -53, 0, 6
19. Head Accessories 31: 100, 0, -7 *entrance and cut-scene only
20. Shoes 7: -13, -78, 19
21. Head > Logos > Design 93, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place in center of eyebrow area as seen in help pics: 90, -57, 39, 100
22. Head > Logos > WWE 8, rotate twice, largest horizontal and 2nd smallest vertical, place on forehead as seen in help pics: 92, 1, -59, 0
23. Makeup 45: 95, 6, 8, 100
**in order for the poofy shirt to stay poofy looking once in the game, you must create this as stated with these shirts...others combinations (like combination I suggested to Bhangra on his Taker) I found out looks poofy in caw mode, but in entrance, clings to the body due to a glitch**
24. Tops > Clothes > Men',s Clothes 2: -13, -76, -69, 100, 7 *entrance and cut-scene only
25. Tops > Clothes > Men',s Clothes 25 (leave as the poofy one): -13, -77, -73 *entrance and cut-scene only
26. Tops>Logos>Front>Design 103, rotate once, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on top of the gray stitch looking area as seen in help pics: -18, -84, -26, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only
27. Tops>Logos>Back>Design 103, rotate once, largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on top of the gray neckline dip-down area as seen in help pics: -18, -84, -26, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only
28. Tops>Logos>Front>WWE 38, rotate once, largest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on chest as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100 *entrance and cut-scene only
29. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
30. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, rotate once, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
31. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Design 103, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, Place on kneepad as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
32. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, the B, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100
33. Bottoms>Logos>Right Knee>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, the A, 2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical, Place on knee pad as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100
34-38. Repeat layers 29-33 for the other knew, replacing the A with the G for the left knee, so the left knee pad reads BG.
39. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
40. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 15, rotate once, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot over previous design as shown in help pics: -18, -90, 50, 100
41. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Chinese Page 14 (4th row, 1st column), second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -47, 100
42. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
43. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
44. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Letters > Alphabet Page 1, the E, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on the top of the foot of the boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
45. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer side of the boot trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
46. Copy previous pattern, place higher than the last one also trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
47. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
48. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > WWE 47, rotate twice, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100
49. Copy previous pattern, place lower on leg area of boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100
50. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > WWE 6, rotate three times, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on back of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
51. Bottoms > Right Leg > Logos > Design 103, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on inner back of the boot as shown in help pics: 79, -23, 9, 100
52. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
53. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 15, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot over previous design as shown in help pics: -18, -90, 50, 100
54. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Chinese Page 14 (4th row, 1st column), second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on front of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -47, 100
55. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), rotate once, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
56. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Sign Page 1 (2nd row, 4th column), rotate once, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on inner side of boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
57. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Letters > Alphabet Page 1, the E, rotate twice, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on the top of the foot of the boot as shown in help pics: -25, -100, -84, 100
58. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer side of the boot trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
59. Copy previous pattern, place higher than the last one also trailing from the E as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
60. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 100, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
61. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > WWE 47, rotate twice, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on outer leg area of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100
62. Copy previous pattern, place lower on leg area of boot as shown in help pics: 100, -100, -63, 100
63. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > WWE 6, rotate three times, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on back of the boot as shown in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
64. Bottoms > Left Leg > Logos > Design 103, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on inner back of the boot as shown in help pics: 79, -23, 9, 100
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